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Dad seeking custody

Started by Superman93639, Nov 02, 2008, 01:07:43 PM

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I am having a really big situation and need some help or advise.  It has been about fours years after my divorce was final and at first the custody situation was going really well.  During the divorce we had agreed that it would be best if she stayed in the state of Texas so I could see the girls ( Lindsay, then, 5 and Ashley, then, 3) easily.  Of course I would get them for the whole month in July, so I was pretty excited considering they had a little brother that was just born that they could play with.  I went to pick them up and was greeted with "their not here, they left and I don't know where they are." This is coming from her aunt.  So of course I call the police and they tell me that its a civil suit so they can't do anything about it.

That was three years ago, I haven't seen them since.  To my luck I finally found out she is living in Missouri with her mom ( with my girls).  So I try to get her back to court since I know where she lives I can serve her with papers.  But she doesn't show, now she has a warrant for arrest but it can only be in the state of Texas.  I need to see how I can get ger in Missouri without it being so expensive. I've already paid my lawyer enough, now I don't know what to do.  It always seems like I get an inch closer and it vanishes.  I just want to reunite with my girls.  They have a little brother and sister that they don't even know about.  I know she is in MO but I think she has moved again.  If anyone knows of anything I can do it would be greatly appreciated


from what I understand, you need to register that TX order in MO, and then have it enforced there.

Not changed, interpreted, or nothing.


And continue filing in TX for each and every time the children are denied their access to their fathat.

And maybe at one point the TX judge will give you custody, you register that in MO and go get the kids.


Thank you for your response it is appreciated. How would you go about registering the order in Missouri, with in reason of income.


Talk to a family law attorney in TX and MO, there is usually at least one that will offer a free consultation.  I'm not sure if the TX or MO attorney would have to register the TX order in MO, but whichever, the TX order needs to be registered in whatever state she resides in, in order for them to enforce it.


We had an interstate custody arrangement and we had to register an Arizona order in Nevada.  It cost about $27 and it was a simple form that the local Nevada court provided.  I would start with calling the MO court clerk and asking them if they have a form you can file.  I think we also had to provide a certified copy of the current orders.  And then we had to serve the NCP by mail giving her a chance to respond.  That was it!  Hope that helps!


Thank you so much.  We really hopes this works!!


it will take some time for it all to fall into place, and in the mean time, keep after Mom in the TX courts each and every time she denies those children access to their father.


Besides the warrant for mom's arrest- was anything else decided by the court?


No nothing else.  Should he have?