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Capitol Injustice

Started by roadtrippictures2, Apr 28, 2005, 08:25:04 AM

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        I am making a documentary film on the Family Law System in North America and I am looking for fathers who have a story to tell about the abuse of the system that they encountered. I am also looking to talk to children of "non custodial" parents and hear their opinions. I would like children who are older, anywhere from 13 and up. I would like to know what these children think about having a "Disneyland dad" growing up...would they have liked to see him much more, troubles they may have had to endure or gotten themselves into due to PAS etc. I am also looking for the ex wives of these fathers or women who have been abused by the system. The idea is to make the general public more aware of the state of the family court systems. The name of the doc will be along the lines of "Capital Injustice". Any help you can potentially offer would be great as well as potentially help with the cause. For your information I am a father who has and still am getting abused by the system. Please feel free to publish this in any forums you think it may get notice. I just ask that you do not publish my name, a contact email can be published. Thank you.
[email protected]


Good to hear this is happening!
        I Have a one and a half year old son , and my ex girl friend has been useing him against me since birth. Im not on the birth certificate or even been treated like a father  even though ive been there financialy and physically more than her. We went to court right after birth and i brought up the fact that her step dad is not allowed around kids under 16 and is on probation. Her mom is an alchohlic and i have police reports of them beating each other(mom and stepdad). Judge didnt care!  I have the babies mom on tape saying she was doing drugs and driving the kids around and all her wittnesses lied on stand, and she was addicted to coke. My lawyer said the judge proballbly wouldnt even listen to it. So i got back together with and we moved from texas to ohio where my family is. we were here for 4 months and when i came home one day they were gone. After hirering 2 P.I.'s they found her in Mass. She only new her dad who was a bum, so he sent her to UB's house. The private investigator told me it looked like a crack house! Come to find out, UB hit her 4 year old in the mouth real hard so he kicked them out , she went to stay with AM and she kicked them out, So she went to AM's ex husbands house and stayed there. Now since Mass. wouldnt take jurisdiction, she went back to tx. Ohio wouldnt take jurisdition cause we wer'nt here long enough. So now in order to get only every other weekend  with my son I have to get rid of everthing(house , etc) and move back down to were i think im beeing robbed. Back when we started the first court date in tx that tx Judge sighned a emergency order for the cops to get my son a bring him to me because of this guy whose not allowed around kids, wich they did. I wasnt supposed to go back to court for 2 months and the judge called a hearing the next day and completly thru out the fact that that guy was what he is. Thats just a short5 version and i am fixing to go back down to texas to try to get something. I didnt realize all this was going on with every body till i found this web site. I would like to raise some(alot) of fuss when i get there to bring this to the public in houston. Give me some ideas cause i aint goin down with out this whole country knowing whats goin on!    
