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Started by stunneddad, Dec 24, 2008, 11:32:28 PM

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Here's the steps I took -- see your state and county might have you do it differently, and this borders on legal procedural advice which I'm not allowed to give (because I'm a trained mediator in the state of AL, and no private person can practice law on behalf of someone else).

But I can share what I did, right????

First, I highly suggest that you get your agreement signed via a notorized signature -- not just any signature, though (in AL) any signature will do (yep, believe it or not).

Then you have to prepare a motion to the court and attach that notorized agreement and basically ASK the judge to turn the agreement into an order.

You have to serve the EX with all this paperwork -- or include an answer signed by her (notorized).

You know -- alot of this stuff I got in a divorce package from Office Depot.  And I pulled my latest divorce out to see what was submitted to the court because the divorce was uncontested (no arguments).

You could also submit a "Joint Motion" to the Courts where it containes the agreement and both of you sign via a notorary.

See -- I am pro se for my own stuff........and years ago, during round one, I failed to sign my motion with a notorized signature.  About 6 months into the "case", EX#2's attorney (and EX I'm sure) thought they had an ace up their sleeve and when we went to a status hearing, his attorney requested/motioned that my motion be dismissed for lack of verification (or something close to that).  I of course sat there and thought WTF???  And judge basically denied and said that this should have been brought up sometime ago and this time he would not "make me start over."  So -- won that part, but still didn't know what I won and had to do some homework to learn what "verified motion" means -- means sign with a notorary attached etc.

When son decided to move here (back in 2006), I filed a Motion with the courts to get the ball rolling immediately.  Then I worked with the EX, convinced the EX, to file a Joint Motion that contained our parenting plan.  That made our court hearings go much more smoothly.  We still had a hearing because the Judge had questions about our agreement -- probably parts the Judge didn't agree to (lack of CS to offset transportation expenses --- long distance).

So -- you guys might end up at a hearing too -- particularly if you got her to agree that "once you move back, 50/50 goes back into place."

I'd rather "tell it like it is" than to paint a rosy picture -- because you never know what's gonna happen in court.  With EX#3's EX there were SOOOOOOO many times were we thought we had her nailed and then presto bingo, EX#3 left court wondering WTF happened.  Long story -- and yes, many here know it, I've been here that long.

BTW -- here's the kicker -- EX#2 and Camilla are probably killing another tree today -- by printing off this entire thread.