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Meth Addict

Started by jc2005, Jul 25, 2005, 01:10:31 PM

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Hi everyone... Thank you for your time to read this post. I have been separated for over 3 yrs, divorce is close to going to court(long time overdue) But in addition, I have had my almost 5 yr old son since end of December 04. There was a period of 7 weeks between Jan-Mar where his mother did not contact and/or see him. Now it has been since Easter, over 4 months. I have actually started counseling, for myself and my son, due to the fact, I dont know how to answer his questions anymore of where Mommy is. I do know, that her 2yr old daughter, has been dumped off on grandparents(who deny knowledge of the ex's where-abouts) Is this something common to Meth addiction? Disappearing, no-contact with your children? My attorney is quite positive I will be awarded Full Custody of my son, since his mom has not come forward in the last 4 months... Any advice, info, help??? Thank you again for taking the time to read this post. I have never posted a question before, hope this works.

Kitty C.

I really couldn't tell you for sure, but as toxic as some of those chemicals are, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they would be detectable.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......

Kitty C.

What's common with meth addicts is their unreliability........the ONLY priority to them is getting that next fix.

Let me explain how meth addiction works, since it's different than others.  That first 'high' is apparently exquisite, and all subsequent attempts are to reach that same high. Unfortunately they never will, because of the nature of the beast.  So they keep using more and more and more.  The way meth speeds deterioration of the body is probably one of the best physical clues.  It appears to accelerate the aging process, making an addict look gaunt and haggard within a few short years.  One DEA agent told us that another big clue for EMS personnel is finding teeth on the ground/floor.  Apparently the drug makes them lose their teeth, too.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Thank you... My other issue is how to help my son with his dealing with a lost parent and little sister. The little sister is not my daughter, but my son misses and loves her dearly as he does his mom. His mom has just vanished... his attachment to me has greatened due to his thoughts that I would leave him as she did, at least that is what I think he must be thinking. If she is that bad with the addiction, I wouldnt want him to see her in that condition. May I also ask, what is the fatality rate of Meth addicts?

Kitty C.

I don't have any stats on the addiction, but as far as your son is concerned, I'd seriously consider some counseling.

My own son went thru some pretty severe separation anxiety when his father took him from me without my knowledge 12 years ago.  Just one day I was a constant in his life, and the next I wasn't.  When I got him back, he would SCREAM at the top of his lungs every time I went to work and wouldn't sleep in his own bed by himself for about a year and a half.  I never got him counseling then and I know now I should have.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


I should have gone thru this type of forum a while ago, very insightful info, thank you... I am actually needing some counseling also, I LOVE having my son w/ me 24/7, but it is a task I never thought I could handle on my own. With the questioning he has of me constantly of where mommy is, and my uncertainties as to if/when his mother will pop back up, it is driving me crazy. I havent even been out on a date in who knows how long... I cant seem to get myself the courage to leave him to go do that. during the day is one thing, but to leave him at night, when my time is his, I just dont have a life anymore... I wish I could find some local single parent support groups but dont know where to start looking... Anyway, thanks for the helpful info. Take care to all who read...