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Dad trying to get 50 / 50 placement and order no working ex wife to get a job

Started by earthmovenman, Jun 08, 2009, 06:03:51 PM

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Hard working, but now unemployed dad of two boys 9 and 10 needs some real answers to a real problem. I have an ex that doesn't work. I must be the only Father with this problem. Every other dad or Mother  that I have talked to says that they are required to have "gainful" employment.

I also settled on a placement schedule of 91 over nights a year only to avoid a painful amount of alimony, child support and a mortgage. The childrens councelor stated that the boys are much better off with me that the "nutty proffesor" ex wife. The boys have made wonderful improvements since going to counceling. I enjoy seeing them happy. Need help and some insight to solving this problem. The last time in court instead of ordering ex to work, I got ordered to look for work throught the work forcre development center. DUUUU, Well guess what I have posted a resume on almost every job board, currently working with multiple recuiters and the union to find a job.. Need help out of a spiraling down the toilet sinario.


I am confused...you and the ex BOTH dont have jobs but your supposed to pay child support? The only thing you can do is ask for a downward modification until you are employed again...


I have been reading a lot of articles on this problem.  Because of the economic situation there are a lot of people asking for modifications on CS, and they are not always granted.  The reason given is that they think the job loss will be temporary and then they will have to modify it again.  I think the real reason is that state budgets are feeling the pinch too, and collecting less child support means less federal incentive money.  Not something they want to happen right now.  In fact, many states have ramped up their collection efforts as a way to increase state revenues.

How long have you been unemployed, and when was the last time you were in court?


No I am unemployed do to the economy (lack of construction) and my ex has never had a job since she was fired from her part time 3.5 hrs per day at the school cafe making 9.00 per hr. not a real income. Also found out from court that they dont care about unemployment issues. just get a job. was refered to children first program to find a job. Well what the hell do you think I've been doing for the last 13 going on 14 weeks. i search daily and write resumes / cover letters to at least two companies  per day. i agree that the state has stepped up their colloction effort. Because when i was in court the commis. really didn't care, but did ask how i can afford a $400,00.00 house. What the hell busisness it of hers. How about give me some relief untill I get on my feet and tell the ex get to work. It just sucks. I nowe have a Aug 12th court appoint to review my job search and possibly get some relief, I dought it though they really live in LA LA land at the courts.


just keep pushing for a remodification. get the press involved. write letters etc.  The only person they care to have a job is the person paying childsupport. It's a money game... nothing more.


I really don't think the press will have any thing to do with this, nice idea though thanks. what I need is a court that will listen to reason not $$$. issues.


I think that's why the press suggestion was made.  You see, in family court there is no record of the proceedings unless requested, and it's a closed courtroom.  If you get someone to do a story (and there have been quite a few lately) they are more likely to "do the right thing".