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need help with childsuport issuse in junction city ks

Started by lostinkansas, Jun 18, 2009, 07:16:52 PM

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my husband was in the army. he was paying 850.00 a month in childsuport for 3 kids. he got out of the army in nov.2008  he tried to get  a reduction sence hes not making as much as he did in the army. his ex took the kids to gorgia in jan.2009 and we havent seen them sence. he got a job and was paying childsuport. he lost the job and was waiting on the court to reduce the childsuport. well he is behind on childsuport now cause hes tring to get a job and they said if he dont catch up by july 1, 2009 then they will take his linces. how do they expect him to work? could really use some help..


You need to file and get to court for them to stop DMV from taking license. Even if you cant pay the full amount you should make some payment weekly/monthly to show the court that you are trying, just cant pay the full amount.

Visitation is separate issue in court and wont be addressed in court. You need to file in court to enforce current order or make modify old order because of distance. Since she moved, she can be forced to pay travel costs. You can maybe even ask for reduced child support to compensate you seeing the kids.

Both need to be filed where the last set of papers are. If she has not live in GA for 6 months she will be forced to come back to old state. Once she is there 6 months she can ask for GA to take over.