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Mother of 11-month old PLEASE HELP....

Started by jenbelle17, Sep 21, 2009, 10:58:52 AM

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I am going to court this wednesday....here is the situation in whole, I need to know how i can get my daughter back...I miss her so much.

It has been two weeks since her father and i broke up. Everything was going ok. We were not married but engaged to be married, and have been together for 2 1/2 years. I was a stay at home mother who was looking for a job as a nanny or and afterschool child care worker..so that i could still be able to have my daughter around and work as well, he was not happy with my idea to tutor a child at our home so we had an argurment..him saying nothing in the house was mine and it was not my home to turn into a daycare- which was not my intentions. After that was said, I moved with my mom and let him spend time with her when ever he wanted to, but would not let her spend the night..I was afraid he would keep her...(which he did..more to come.)

I got a Apartment close to him about 7 blocks away so that we can work out a good schedule. He never has time except for the weekends b/c he is in school and working. Last week, the weekend iof my birthday...I moved into my apartment with the baby..he bearly came to see her and i would call him all the time so he could talk to him on the phone b/c she always smiled hearing him on the phone. Everytime i tried to call him when he was NOT at work he was out frinking at a bar, or swimming and drinking at a friends apt,.. One night i called him to go and take a shower at this house because it was my 2nd day at my apt and i had no towels, shampoo, etc..and no money to buy any at that time. He said i could go over with the baby when he got out of work around 10pm. 10 came around he then texted me to say he was out drinking with his friends...and then showed up at my apt around 12:30+...I didnt want to go to his house so late but did because I really needed a shower for my job interview,...when we arrived at his house his room was a mess..And I could tell he had sex..stains on the darkbed sheets and 2 glasses of water by the nightstand. Also he used a condom...We had been apart for only 2 weeks...and he already moved on.

I was completely hurt and saddened to this news. I was crying so much and he tried to talk to me and give me a hug and i had to leave. I just could not be around him and found it gross. I went to my apt for a little while to cool off and I know he did not have to work till later on that day so he would take care of the baby till then..when I called him to come and pick up the baby he told me he would not give her back to me. I showed up where he was and the baby was in his mothers car and not his. She was actually taking the baby and refused to give her to me. I was kicking and screaming b/c i could not believe this was happening. The police came and they could do nothing about the situation. they said she had the fathers permission to watch her and it was ok although she did not have mine and he does not have custody over her. We are going to court wednesday to see who will have tempory custody of her. That night I was so distrought. I made a really stupid decision...and went to a bar down the street. I am not a drinker..i can bearly finish a beer. But I just needed to get away for a while. The bar was a block away from his house. I ran out of gas so i stopped by his house thinking he could help me. He refused to open the door so i just laid on his porch and sleep when the police came and he had me put in jail for Public Intoxication. I was there for 3 days. Time served. My first offense, no other tickets or warnings with the law. He however has had 2 DWI's taken off of his record through his lawyer.

I am really afraid that I will not get to see my daughter. I try to call her every night to talk to her. He will not let me see her. I really am a great mother who has never done drugs..not even had a cigarette. I was so used to having her around me 24-7 and no i dont get to see her at all. It is hard. His mother takes care of her all day because he is at school and work. He does not have the time to watch her but for maybe 2 hours in the morning..and maybe more if he gets out of work before 10pm if she is not asleep. His mother has always wanted a daughter. I know this because she told me all the time and she didnt have anymore children. I do not want my daughter being raised by her grandmother when I am able to take care of her.

What should I do...what do I need to know going into court... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

I miss you baby girl.... <3 <3 <3



Exactly what MomofTwo said - if you weren't married and there is no proof of paternity he has no rights at this point.