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false allegations

Started by lizziesmom, Dec 29, 2005, 08:23:26 PM

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 Good luck worriedmom, the truth should come out.

*UPDATE* Today I got a letter from my criminal lawyer and it had the police report in it from when I was falsely accused and then arrested for telephone harrassment.

BM called the police about 45 minutes  AFTER my last call to her that night. If some one committed a crime against me I wouldn't wait 45 minutes to report it.

On the report BM and her mother said that there is a court order that prohibits me from making any contact with them except through my attorney. There is no order like that and there never was. BUT the officer wrote on the report that he saw the order!

I had requested a welfare check before BM called the police. The officer said that my son was fine and was happy and paying (at about 11:30 P.M. when he's only 3 years old).

BM said that I kept calling and that I told her that I hoped her mother dies of Cancer, then on the report it says that her mother said that I told her she dies of Cancer, then again that there's a court order that prohibits me from having contact with them.

BM also reported that we're in ther middle of a custody battle, that I took my son to get medical attention without her consent, and that she's arguing with me over me getting medical insurance for my son.

Hello? Can any one see that (assuming I'm telling the truth) that what BM and her mother said is the biggest load of b.s.?

The officer also wrote on the report that I said I'd turn myself in and he wrote it like I was admitting that I was guilty.

There are so many holes in their story and their older stories it's ridiculous.

Doesn't my having proof of their lies just show more that they're trying to get me out of my son's life?

A little off topic, but when I was calm I had time to think about whether or not I would pursue something in court against the police for defaming my character and of course for false arrest, false imprisonment, and harrassment (they constantly called me telling me that I can't make contact with BM when there is not a court order but they said that there was). It is not about revenge or money. It is about justice. I think it is best for me to wait until my custody case is over with so I'm not in court so much but I do want to pursue it. Regardless of the fact that I am innocent, whenever I move to a new place or go for a new job and a background check is done, I will always be looked at as the guy that committed a crime against women but got away with it.

I'll sound like an idiot for asking this, but does any one know how much that kind of case is worth? My doctor blames my high blood pressure, vommitting, and sleep problems on stress because of all of this and I am seeing a therapist, psychiatrist, and a pain mangement psychologist for hypnotherapy to get me to relax.


While checking an online court schedule yesterday to see when I have to testify against a crazy ex that BM and her mother used to make up serious things about me, I saw another charge against her. I called to find out what it was and it turned out she ad itted in court that she was guilty of steeling money from me. She's up for status so that the prosecutor can see that she did what she was supposed to do for her court supervision. She was supposed to pay me restitution but she didn't. Of course she was not to be arrested either but she was arrested for violating and order of protection that I had against her (that's the case that they want my testimony for).

It's not BM that got arrested but it is some one that she tried to use to get me arrested. It's also a woman that made false allegations of domestic battery, attempted murder, stalking, you name it. FINALLY a woman that lied about a man was not believed, and the man was. *No offencse to women, I'm only talking about the bad ones*

So yes, there is some justice for men.


when my husband was accused of Child Abuse for allegedly hurting his son when all he did was pick up his son and place him on the couch to reprimand him.  The entire act, basically a Take I, Scene II play was presented by the CP in her attempts to futhter keep the father (my DH) from seeing his children.  She also sought "Victims Assistance" monies to give her extra spending for trips to Disney, etc.  She was facing Contempt and thought this would be a way to save her fanny!  We spent 15K and one year to follow through with a hearing and after 5 minutes of deliberation the jury found him innocent.  The jury members sought DH out in the parking lot and apologized that anyone was putting him through this!  The doctor from the hospital didn't show because there was nothing to report.  The D/A wouldn't put PB on the stand after he learned that she had purjured herself on the stand during the divorce.  DH's poor son was coached and this was evident to all on in the courtroom.  His story changed every minute, that poor child was so confused!!!  So PB was livid, the D/A went home as a smacked a$$ and the only one who suffered was my stepson and of course my DH but he's an adult and handled it fine.

Read the book Divorce Poison.  It clearly depicts the thoughts behind these dimented individuals and the ever so common patterns.

By the way, we have one of the few cases where in DH's final hearing for a custody review, the CP was admonished by the judge for having Parental Alienation Syndrome now documented forever in our court papers.


I'm reading Divorce Poison right now. I actually sent an email to the guy that wrote it and he wrote me back personally. I asked him about my own personal experiences and he gave advice the best he could. And I also encourage reading Joint Custody with a Jerk. It gives you skills to communicate with a less than reasonable ex. Great Book.


hey there I know how evil and vindictive an ex can be, believe me I do my husband's ex and her mother did alot of crap to us.
But there may be someone who can help you.
He used to advise me alot and I found him on a web site about custody evaluation. Now, the site has a new name and it is now a forum so I will give you the NEW site which is http://www.custodyevaluation.com
the OLD site was called http://www.custodyevaluation.com/sexualabuse/index.htm you might want to go to that site first and read some posts by a man named RICK. He's on there alot, and the site is LONG so just look at the posters' names and you will find him. He was falsely accused by a very evil ex and went through alot.
He is excellent at giving advice and helping dads with their cases against vindictive ex wives.
You can get to the old site without having to register but the new site requires you to register and there was a problem with my email so they couldn't send me the password I need to go on it but I'm sure Rick is on there somewhere.
I know he can give you alot of helpful advice.
Check it out, evalisto, he'll be able to help you.



I went through this with ex husband for first three years after divorce. I remarried less than a year after divorce and DH was furious and bitter. I learned after the first false report how to protect myself. Here are some suggestions for anyone going through this. Take the child to their doctor right before any extended visits (summer, christmas, etc.). Then if a report is made at that time you will have a doctors checkup that would show any injuries to the child if there were any. My ex always filled the false reports during these extended visits. I guess it gave him more time to try and sway the child. Then it started on a regular basis. Some reports were to the police and some were to CPS. I started my son in counseling. They are generally seen once per week so I scheduled it on Fridays right before his visits. I then had another medical professionals report to back me up against his allegations. I also got a two way recorder on my phone to record his calls. I never called him yet the police show up at my work one day ready to arrest me because he reported I was harrassing him by phone. I was able to prove I had no access to a phone for the past two hours and they left. I then changed my days and hours so he had no idea when I worked. Eventually he was arrested and plead guilty to telephone harrassment and terroristic threats. CPS also eventually found him to be leaving the child in abusive situations and testified in court on my behalf. I havent had a problem with him since then.