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Help, Father trying to take custody....

Started by worriedmom, Jan 02, 2006, 12:39:01 PM

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I have a good home and my ex is making outrageous lies to get custody from, most of which i have documentation that it is false... I dont know what all I might need in this if someone whose been through this can let me know some pointers itd b great. thanks



My only son with him is 5yrs, my 2 others are my husbands and mine, ages 3yrs and 6 months


Check out the articles on this site. You should be able to get there from the main page.


First, why does he want custody and why don't you want him to have custody?  That may sound like a stupid question but I bet if more people asked themselves, then the children of our divorces would suffer a lot less.  I mostly see two reasons, always masked by poor excuses.
First, money.  
Second, control of the children.

This site is dedicated to shared parenting (at least I think it is).  If you are offering your ex equal time with his son and a reasonable CS plan (your a rare CP).  Then he is looking at the money and the control.  I would think you could use that to justify leaving things as they are (equal time and fair CS what else does he want?) If you are offering him the standard EOW and a few hrs a week, then I'm in his corner.  Even if he's not a "better" parent then you.  He's a parnet and deserves the right to raise his children. Every parent should have to spend some time as the NCP to see what it's like....


If my son is awarded to him i guarantee that< by the way he lives his life, my son will be dead in less than 2 years. We have joint custody right now but whathe is doing is making my life hell. I asked him if i could take my son to my family reunion bc it happened to land on his 2 week summer visitaion he said yes and i gave him an extra day of visitation. He is now holding me in contempt bc i interrupted his parenting time in the summer. He let me take him to a doctor appointment that had been scheduled for sometime and now he is saying that i lied about it being a doctor when i showed him the paper from the doctor. Everything my ex is taking me to court over is stuff like this. He claims he didnt get my son for fathers day when in fact he returned him almost an hour late. My ex is now bringing my husbands and mine's youngest son in it saying he wants apaternity test on him but i had nothing to do with him for 3 months b4 my youngest was conceived. He is not doing this to get more parenting time, he is doing this to hurt me and make my life hell. Him and his lawyer are the ones that made up this visitaion schedule and i did not contest it. But when he doesnt get his way because of reading it wrong or whatever, then he goes to his lawyer and tries to find me in contempt. He is a drug addict (which is y i dumped him 3 mths prior to meeting my husband) and he thought i was going to "wait" for himto get off the drugs when that never came out of my mouth. Now he is mad, jealous, and vindictive and dead centered on making my life hell. This is the kind of man he is and this is the kind of man i dont want around my child.


"This is the kind of man I don't want around my child".  If you are following the Court Order and allowing the father visitation and can prove it then you'll have nothing to worry about.  You will always be better off to abide by the Order and if you don't like it then file to get it changed.

I hope for your child's sake that this can be resolved without hurting him any further and that both parents remain involved in his life without anymore conflict!