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Temp. Custody Hearing a joke... What can I do about....

Started by GA_Stepmom, Dec 09, 2009, 06:33:43 AM

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I have recently posted on this site... Parental alienation and visitation Please help.

It went like this...
Hi I need some help and am reaching out to whom ever will listen and give advise! I am a stepmother of a very handsome little man named Joshua. His father has been fighting to be able to see him the way he is supposed to for the past 4 years. Now that I am in the picture she has started going off with accusations every time we take him home. The good part of that is we have emails to prove it as well as taped convos.

We have already taken her to court on contempt because of her not letting him get Joah for his visitations and she aswered our complaint with one for unpaid medical bills which she held for three years never giving them to his father. ( how do you pay a bill if you don't have it?) There was also a stupid clause in their devorse papers she had slipped in that said that he had to give her a 48 hour notice of each intended visitation.

So of course knowing he had no way to prove it that he had given his notice... and of course She cried OH HE NEVER GAVE ME HIS NOTICE!!! So the judge set it to where he only had to give a 48 hr notice if he didn't intend to excercise his visitation and told her that if she held him again that she would put her in jail. And he was found in non willful contempt because it said in the papers he had to pay the med bills but she never gave them to him. So he was ordered to pay 2,700 in turn she files every bill on bankruptcey!

So now she has committed bankruptcey fraud. My husband has filed for custody since she was moving yet again. She has moved 11 times in the past 4 years. And since we have filed for custody she has told him he has to come all the way (which is 4 hrs one way) or pay more. Then the lawyers got involved and she agreed to meet half way. But on the third visitation she didn't show. She said she doesn't recall an agreement to meet half way until we go to court... (We were supposed to go on that tuesday and our lawyer postponed it)

So He again made an agreement with her and her lawyer and had a paper copy in his hand for Thanksgiving visitation and again she didn't show. We go to court next tuesday and my husband is supposed to get Josh this weekend But she refused to meet him b/c she "can't afford to meet twice and then come all the way for court on tuesday". So my husband loses out on yet another visitation since she has moved in sept.

But he gave his notice like he was supposed to and has called Josh each time to explain why he hasn't picked him up. I NEED HELP WHAT CAN WE DO? WE ARE SO MAD AND TIRED AND SICK OF ALL OF IT!!! PLEASE IF YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE THAT CAN/WILL HELP US PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! THANKS!


Well we went before the Judge yesterday and all he wanted to hear was a visitation agreement between mom and Dad. He wouldn't hear anything other that about visitation. She got off scott free after filing bankrupcy on a court order... holding the child... among many many other things. He told them both they had to follow the agreement and our lawyer stated that we needed to do so and if she didn't then we would bring it back before the judge... What the heck???? Is there anything we can do???? THIS WAS A TEMP. CUSTODY HEARING NOT A TEMP. VISITATION HEARING... WHAT WAS THIS JUSGE THINKING???


hang in there and keep after dad's time with the child.

Are there still open motions?

Do you two have an attorney?


It certainly appears the attorney/judge is stringing matters out. 

You might consider obtaining representation from outside the "good ole boy" system and the BS may cease.


Well I think our lawyer is doing great... He was spot on and had all his guns loaded when we went in there. It was the dang Judge that wouldn't hear anything and made then do a visitation agreement. I mean who ever hear of making a visitaion agreement at a Temp custodt hearing???


That's just how Georgia does it - temporary hearings are really short and basically are just to set the visitation up.  The rest of your complaints will be heard at the actual, final custody hearing.  Keep documenting the denial of visitations (we file a police report every time my husband's ex doesn't show up).