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Mediation order confusion

Started by erinj08, Apr 13, 2011, 01:39:37 PM

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My mediation order states "after a year parties agree to meet for mediation  to review financial contribution" that year was up on March 3rd and my ex hasn't given a gas card since that day and we went to mediation last week on Friday but she is still refusing. does the wording in the order relieve her of obligation to provide the gas card


mediation and order aren't usually words that go together in the same sentence.

What type of document are you referring to?  Like, do you have an ORDER that specifically says what she is supposed to give you?

I'm GUESSING that you had an agreement in place that was gonna be for a year, THEN everything should be reviewed and you decide from there.

So if there was a deadline, then maybe NO she is not obligated to give it you any more.


Ok I took her to court for visitation rights and in Dupage count where the case was heard parents are required to meet for mediation before the judge will do anything and along with my request for visitation I was also asking for her to 1. meet me half way or  2. give me $75 for gas she didn't want to do either but decided instead to give me a $50 gas card so when the mediator wrote that areement up it also included us meeting back for mediation after a year because he said things change such as peolpes finances and gas price


So was that mediated agreement ever signed by the judge and turned into an order?

Sounds like you need to get the ball rolling on doing this all over again and re-negotiate the terms, because in the original agreement you agreed to review this "in a year"


Yes it was signed by a judge that very same day and we went to mediation last Friday but she refused to even discuss it because she feels like she is no longer obligated to contribute since its been a year.


Not going to be able to force her right now until you get another ruling. Do you have another mediation date? If you do, I would ask that you talk about this as it is a financial strain to have your parenting time and it was not supposed to just stop.


Ocean, we had mediation last week for the specific reason of "reviewing" the financial contribution but she was insistant that she is no longer obligated and nothing further, she didn't say that she couldn't followed by reasons why the only thing she said was that she doesn't have to pay anymore and moved on to the next subject


So now what? Did you accept the rest of the mediation...or you going to judge?


Only I had things that I wanted to add to the order which she agreed to everything, like she moved and didn't give me her address for 4 months or tell me where my children go to school, so I modified the order to say she is required to keep me informed on those things, which she did suprizingly agree to.... with an attitude of course, which is neither her nor there and yes I filed a notice of motion so we will be back in court Monday...... Im soo nervouse because I know that things can go a number of ways