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Thank you SPARC ... I have Custody

Started by Murphybriand, May 09, 2011, 07:02:20 PM

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   I must THANK all of you here at SPARC.  I had my emergency custody hearing today. You guys made it easy for me when before I thought a man had no chance. I got cleaned up, put on my best shirt and tie and had all my paperwork in order. The BM was in her sweats, long john style shirt and not sure about showered. We entered the court when the officer directed us in and I took my seat and attentively awaited the judge to start. The BM turned her chair toward me, plopped herself down and was giving me the how dare you evil eye. The female judge was none too pleased having to tell her to; "miss, miss, MISS turn your chair towards my bench, look at me when I am talking, and sit up!" She did as told with an out loud huff and grunt. The judge went through her usual court proceedings and BM stated she was not wishing to contest my petition.  Judge stated she would be granted me custody and when I was asked if I had anything further I started talking and the BM jumped in with an "uhn un, no way, I am not agreeing to anything he says". I knew right then I did not have to say another thing. The odd thing was I was just going to add that the BM could repetition the court to have all custody orders dropped when she was in better health and mental state.  The judge gave me full custody and order the BM has supervised visitation at my discretion. Judge asked me not to be abusive in my position and I informed her I can tell when BM is in her right state of mind and will allow the children to see all family members very often. The BM agreed I have been very co-operative for visitations and she believe she would be treated fairly. Judge also wanted mediation done.
   I am very grateful to all the advice you guys have given me and a special thanks to CF (Children First) from the first time I was here for the extra attention and setting me straight on who was most important and for teaching me to step back and see if my actions will be in the best interest of the children. Also to 'Oc...' for the heads up that BM was spying on me here and posting herself. I still hold out hope that she will understand I was not intending her harm, just insuring our boys will have a safe and secure home to live and stay in and also insure they shall always have relationships with all their families.  I hope BM gets the help she has been avoiding and/or putting off. Our boys deserve to have a complete family that is well and happy. I know she will read this and it's probably the only way I can say what I want to her, uninterrupted or without being verbally attacked before finishing.


good luck to the children and actually to both of you as parents as you both set out on this journey.