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In a custody battle ex wont give up?

Started by shellcode, Dec 04, 2011, 11:22:46 AM

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What about the false accusation she saying? i know she going to have to proof it,she no proof,is it better to request a GAL? for these kind of cases?

Kitty C.

Ignore any false accusations she may make to your face.  They mean nothing unless she brings it up in court and can prove it.

That's probably the hardest part of dealing with an 'obstinant' parent:  their goal will be to stress you out and make you screw up, then they jump on the opportunity.  When either the BM or the g-mother start talking trash to you, regardless of the situation, ignore, ignore, ignore.  It is VERY hard to do, but will help you in many ways.

Another thing to keep in mind:  just because the BM says it doesn't make it true...for ANY situation.  For example, she may say that YOU (or she) have/has to do something that YOU know is contrary to the CO.  Don't believe her just because she said it...it's just another way for her to try to rattle your cage and get you off guard. 
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


A GAL is for the child's best interest not to really determine all the craziness. There are good GAL's and very bad ones that side with the mother. Ours was okay but then did not stand up to the mother.

What lies are we talking about? at exchanges? Who cares, smile and walk away and not say a word. After a few times or more she will get the message. After the first time of you walking away one quick one line email to her "I will not discuss adult issues in front of xx at exchanges, please email me your concerns". Then do it each time.

Ignore, smile, ignore. If mom is really yelling , get child in car, put on radio, shut door, drive away. Just say, ill talk to mom later about adult stuff, lets go eat dinner....

Kitty just posted after I wrote this out, same thing :) ignore!