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child support workk 33 hrs court take it at 40 and more

Started by 987654, Feb 05, 2012, 10:58:27 AM

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hi everyone
glad i found this forum.  have some questions from Leigh valley pa
1   i get paid under the table.  i work 33hrs a week.  domestic takes it at 40 because of no pay stub if i go on    the  books can this be changed?

2 i also cleaned two houses. lost both jobs one due to client  moving the other due to being in court and changing clients schedule. they  also count this income i no longer make.  well before jobs were lost i started to slowly (due to money, have documentation) make the business legal. i also enrolled at a community college for business entrepreneur. which will start on the 20th.  i do a lot of research into cleaning businesses doesn't this mean i am still working just not getting paid? they don't take out for cleaning supplies etc.

3)  my husband bought a house and a motorcycle he could not be affording all these bills along with the child support he pays.  his girlfriend who he lives with has to be making up the difference.  shouldn't that count as more income on his end?

i would appreciate any help i can get.  i want to take him back to support i left all this alone until he got child support reduced.  i would be going into court alone since i can not afford another attorney bill.


How long ago were you in court last? You have to prove a change from that date until now.

Usually most states care about what the non-custodial parent it making and enter it into a formula. Look up PA child support calculators online. Plug in the numbers and see what it comes out to be.

His girlfriend or any step-mother in the future's income has nothing to do with your children. What they do with their combined money is their business. He needs a car for work/visitation, if he can figure out a way to pay for it, or if it is in the GF's name, again not your concern.

How did he get the amount lowered? Did he say he lost hours or not working?