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Help for father with MS

Started by careyrn, Jul 31, 2012, 08:15:39 AM

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Hello all, and I am very saddened to be on this forum.  I am writing for my son, whose significant other left with their 4 year old daughter last year after 12 years.  long story short.  He applied for custody last January, the trial is next week.  The biggest issue is transportation.  He does not drive and she will not drive their child to see him.  The mother is in another relationship and pregnant.    The court does not make allowances for disabilities as far as I can tell from the three pre-trial hearings I have been to.  Father has court appointed attorney (not very good) and the issue regarding transportation seems to be "too bad if he can't drive or afford the taxi rides".   Question:  Does anyone have any exerience regrding rights of disabled dad's in NY State?  Thanks.


How far away are they from each other?
Can he take public transportation (train, bus) to her and back?
Can a family member go and pick her up- get it in court order that he can assign someone to pick her up.

If he has a dr note, or even have the dr testify that he can not drive so that part is not in question. Lawyer should focus on what is in the best interest in the kids to see both parents. He can offer to pay her gas for each visit, make the child support a few dollars more to cover it.

If he is close to their school, can they get bussed to his house from school (change the times to get them). Schools will usually bus to both parents houses.
