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Custody of Minor

Started by georgia, Dec 26, 2006, 12:57:45 PM

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My husband and I are legally married and agree to divorce. My husband has four children. One he has never seen and barely pays child support for, he has been in arrears for years. He has custody of his two other children from a previous marriage. And then we had a child together. One of his children who is 8 year old boy is ADHD+ODD. He is on medication, but is still a hard child to parent to say the least. He can not make good decisions on his own all the time, and needs constant supervision. It took me years and several doctors to convince him that something was wrong and finally I was able to get him on meds. But my question simply is that when our daughter who is two goes to visit with her dad, is there anything I can do to ensure her safety? As it stands right now and has been for years, I have been the one to watch over the kids, and with four it is challenging. But the 8 year old sometimes fights with the two year old, he also acts out a lot. Temper tantrums, were he will throw himself on the floor, kicking and screaming. He started a fire once because he did not get his way, although no harm to anyone or anything it was still scary. He does not urinate were he is supposed to all the time, he steals from others and lies all the time.  

Any suggestions would be great, Thanks.


STBX will protect your child? I am not sure I understand.  

What to you mean by starting fights with the 2 year old? Does the 8 yr old physically hurt the 2 yr old, or just grab toys and that type of thing?

Is the child still doing all of this on his meds?

Best wishes


Sounds like a question for an attorney or Socrateaser.

If you can demonstrate that the home is an unsafe place for your daughter, you can probably do something (either requiring supervised visitation or limiting visitation to when the ADD kid isn't there). My guess is that this will be a fairly lengthy process, but I'm not an attorney, so I don't know. You might also consider getting your local Children's Welfare department involved.

Is your relationship with your stbx good enough that you can simply raise the issue and ask that the older kid not be there when your daughter is around or that he see her somewhere else?