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counter peition filed by ex

Started by John-J-Jay, Mar 13, 2007, 07:49:58 AM

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I was served with a counter petition from my ex stating the following:
"The order to be modified is based on a prior order. Counter-Petitioner DOES NOT beleive that there has been a substantial and material change in circumstances since the entry of the last order. However, if the court finds that there has been a change. Counter Peittioner request that she be named the primary custodian of the child."

As you know i filed a motion because my ex isn't paying child support becuase there isn't a order to pay. So i think she should pay. I'm also asking that i be given time during the holidays. I get -0- time during the holidays. I haven't had my child for Christmas, thanksgiving or Summer break for 4 yrs. I've had custody for 8.

Do you my friends on this board think I should back away and have my case dismissed? She's not really contesting cusotdy but if the court orders her to pay child support, standard visitation etc she will fight for custody. what is your opinion?