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California community state: his wife's income never calculated?

Started by Tana, Jul 09, 2015, 09:21:22 AM

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I was working on the free online calculator for child support in CA and it list the CP and NCP income and it has a box for "new wife".
I do not think this has ever been calculated in my child support. is this something the NCP needs to report? He doesn't make that much but she makes about 10000 per month
he has zero time with his son and I am not sure if he is paying the right amount


I answered you on other board but will add that if you already have an order, you need a change of circumstance in order to ask for a change, not just that he makes more money. You can ask for a COLA increase which usually gives you a little more every few years depending on state calculations. You can call your child support office and ask if your case can have a COLA increase.
Are you having trouble paying some bills for child? Your child support order can include splitting child care, activities, out of pocket medical.
As for a step-mom, like I said some states may try and put her income but if I was her I would fight that (and have not had an issue whiting out my information in the past). This child should be raised financially by you and dad. If dad is not seeing child and child support was made with him taking visitation , you may be able to raise amount due to him not taking child (feeding, housing) like he was supposed to but if nothing changed, go for the COLA increase.


I too answered on the other post -- but see here you put the state as California.

Check the box and watch the calculator do it's thing.

I think her income only comes into play to determine HIS NET income.

Read up on California law....and case laws if you can find them...we are not attorneys and can only help based on our personal experience, experience by reading others' situations, and stuff.....and of course memory since this site has been here for so long.