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Ex beat up a teenager

Started by sadieanders, May 20, 2008, 07:11:45 PM

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My sons dad is 31, he was with his girlfriend (now ex) and her son who is eleven. There was  a football game going on with the eleven year old and about 10 other kids. My ex joins in even though the kids dont him too, they tell him only if your not too rough. One of the kids got to rough with his girlfriends son, so my sons dad punchs a fifteen year old and bloodies up his nose he then holds him to the ground choking him. The other kids run into the house yelling that there was a man hurting her son. The police are called, my ex and his girlfirend run, the police get my sons dad and he is arrested and charged with assault and battery. One month before this incident the police were called at 3am because my sons dad was jumping on the girlfriends car and trying to pull her out, she had to hit him with wrench.
We have a five year old child and have been fighting for custody since he was three. I had a godawful attorney who didnt bring up the abuse to me or the time he broke into my house and sent my friend to the ER. Nothing bad about him was brought up, not even his two felonies for car theft (even though they are 10 years old).I am remarried and my husband got a job out of state. The judge said he could have full custody because best to leave son where he knew.
Once I heard about these things happening I filed for modification, (about 5 months after the main custody hearing.) He has this expensive attorney now who defended Kelsey Briggs murder. She is the 2 year old little girl that was murdered and sexually assulted by her stepdad in Oklahoma.  I have a new lawyer who is a senater as well as a attorney. What are my chances of a modification of custody? I live in Texas and he lives in Oklahoma. He has cross motioned that I get less visitation than I have because of my constantly moving state to state interferes with my sons extracurriluar activities (karate which he stopped going to ). I moved from  (10 years )Oklahoma to Nebraska((1 year) (for husbands job) and now to Texas, where will stay for a long time.