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My Cust.Eval Report has more ?'s than answers ??

Started by itiswhatitis, Aug 13, 2008, 08:14:04 AM

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I received copy of the Cust Eval report for my 5 yr old.  My wife & I were told we were not going to get one, but our lawyers sent it too us & thank god they did.  There are so many inaccurate statements & more importantly, contradictions that do not, in my opinion, justifiably explain the recommendations.

We both took the personality & personal stress tests MMPI-2, MCMII & PSI.  Excerpts from this state, referring to my wife "It is likely she finds it difficult to mobilize the psychic & physical energy needed to fulfill parenting responsibilities. Withdrawal & a general inability to act with assertiveness & authority toward the child is a frequent behavioral manifestation."

How in the HELL,sorry, can u make that statement & follow it up with 50/50 parenting time.

This is just one example of many & to be fair it states for me that "Occasionally there are angry outbursts that may cause him embarrassment or concern."  I don't disagree I am more "irritable or hostile" given what I feel have been extremely stressful living conditions, but come on.

I'd love to post the whole report & have someone explain too me what I am missing.  Has anyone seen there report & if so, been baffled by the findings not correlating to the recommendations by a private, neutral evaluator?


i'm confused....is there a reason to question the evaluation?

it seems to me you are beating a dead horse.

do you not wish for your child to enjoy equal time with both parents?

is the other parent a danger to the child that makes the 50/50 arrangement a problem?


You answered your own question....You're confused !!!!


then please help me understand. is the child in danger and should not be allowed to be with that parent an equal amount of time?


Please reread the OP.  The OP is questioning or baffled by the findings of an apparent bias and prejudice goverment entity not correlating to the recommendations by a private, neutral evaluator?

The OP was just trying to be nice and kind ... I just tried to fill in the blanks based on life long experiences.  


i am truly sorry for your life of battles and pain.


The issue isn't necessarily a bias & yes, I want my wife to be apart of our sons life, it is a matter of her inability to see what future problems she will create for him.  

In the report, it states that the eval wanted my wife to start Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT for persons who might have BPD), my wife, according to the eval report, "did not provide a complete mental history & minimized her symptomatology. She did not meet the diagnostic criteria for placement into the programs that would be most appropriate for her. Treatment is going to be of limited impact if she is not honest about her issues."  

My son is already calling me a a$$hole because he hears it said so often & I do not want her to infect him with whatever ails her.

I don't understand how someone can write such damning things about one person, & then think that person, who is oblivious to what she is doing to her son, should be "rewarded" with 50/50.


i see more of what you are saying..
i would really like to see the whole report.

it is important that the evaluator suggested the other parent start behavior therapy, implying a personality.

you sound like a great dad. and based on this report, the eval sees that too. the best you can do is to instill in him the tools to become a healthy adult and to recognize the difference between the inappropriate behaviors displayed by his mom.

how old is your son?

in the mean time, work on your documentation of what effects your child.


Your quick little one liners are misleading and I ask you to be clear.

I simply could care less about your feelings or what you perceive as my life of battles and pain.  I do not want or seek out sympathy.  Never have.

My focus has always been on my children in every word and deed and that is why I was blessed to be able to CONTINUE to raise and influence my children ( well 2 of the 3).    


My custody eavl. was obveously biased from the word go .
My wife in her responces seemed to be a victim.
I came accrost as hostile.
The evaluator was a women and out of 100 cases mine was the
only one in her whole history that she did`nt observe the interaction
between the children and me.
The MMPI that we both were ordered to take showed me to be a narcisus,
I would call it arrogant.
but I was`nt allowed to see hers and when I was granted a releas to get the records  she post dated it for 5 months in the future.
that did`nt help my case .
In the end The Judge found that she was more able to take the kids to Dr. Appts and such.
Thats what they based the custody schedule on .
I lost all physical and legal custody.