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Parental alienation

Started by Guidance2020, Feb 07, 2021, 03:03:48 PM

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Looking for some advise on how to deal with parental alienation



Im going through it right now in WA. I cant tell you what has definitely worked, because in in the middle of it, but here are some common sense things to get you started:
Here's some advice.
-Educate yourself about PA. There are resources on this site. Read books
-Get yourself into therapy to learn to deal with it and realize that you're in for a long battle
-Tell as many people as possible involved in your case. Make sure you don't sound like a crazy person. Just the facts
-Get your kids into therapy ASAP
-Instead of accusing the other parent of PA, describe their behavior and how it interferes with your relationship with your kids
-Get a GAL or a parental evaluation. It would help if they were trained for PA specifically, but those are hard to find
-You will need evidence and/or witnesses to prove your case to the evaluators and in court. You need to prove a pattern of behavior, because everyone gets the benefit of a doubt for a single incident, and we all make mistakes