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the truth

Started by antonin, Mar 23, 2004, 03:25:41 PM

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A few weeks ago, I posted that a new novel, The Ganlet, tells the truth about the domestic court system, a rariety in fiction work. (there is no such other work!)
I would hope some of you read it. Here is the thematic core of the book:

   Gantlet, A Love Story, first, tells the painful tale of the beautiful love of Jason Adams for a woman who that is doomed to die young.
   Secondly, Gantlet, takes the reader inside the Byzantine world of a 10-year long child custody case in the domestic law system in The United States.
This is a nightmare world, a Tower of Babel,  where the future of children is decided by:
 attorneys (including a judge who is an attorney with a robe on) have no training in domestic law
 attorneys have no training in developmental psychology or clinical psychology and do not have knowledge of how children mature
 where :"expert witness" psychologists have no training in domestic law and do not have knowledge of the law
attorneys and judges do first-year law school  "motion practice" to run their clocks and bleed clients of millions of dollars and do not care and are not accountable for the consequences of their behaviors and legal decisions
 where childrens' relationships with their parents are alienated into pieces of time and money as if love and affection and trust and  laughter and hugs were pierces of property
 where motion practice is used to move children from one parent to the other based solely on allegations
where people are rarely punished for lying, and perjury hangs from the courtroom  walls like so many vampire bats.   

A Gantlet is an ordeal of punishment where a person is struck over the back. shoulders, and head as the person runs between two rows of men wielding clubs. In the domestic law systems these ancient wooden bats have been transformed into paper bully clubs of motions, petitions, briefs, appeals, settlement conferences, interrogatories -- ad infinitum. A place where the judge — like a rural appointed king in a medieval fiefdom—is essentially all-powerful and immune from prosecution because the lawyer-judge is protected by the other lawyers who made the rules for him and themselves and created a cushy, corrupt world run by  the "The Bar Association."
   Should you marry the wrong person (as do 50% of us) and have children with the wrong person and decide to divorce and fight for custody, where do you go for healing and to chart out a health-giving post divorce world? To the bar association.
In our free market economy, Chrysler competes for our business with General Motors which competes with Honda which competes with Ford, and so on.  Different major hotel/motel chains compete for our business. Musical groups competes with one another for our business. Different cosmetic companies produce lines of products, competing for our business; and so on.
The bar association competes with what other entity for our business?
Who is the bar associations' major competition that forces the bar association  to improve the qualify of its services?
      The answer is: the bar association competes with itself.
      "Competing with itself" is a contradiction in terms.
      A corporate entity cannot complete with itself.
      The bar association is therefore unconstitutional monopoly.
      It is a multi-billion dollar scandal far worse than Enron.

   Gantlet, A Love Story, reveals the depths of destruction and depravity in the domestic law system in this country. It is not male vs. female "mens' rights vs. feminism" philosophic tract or a political argument.
It is a love story that will hopefully form the basis of a major societal revolution to alter the way we choose our mates, raise our child and – should our marriages fail, give them a decent burial and remain in the lives of our children and grandchildren in a world based not on adversarial proceedings, manipulations, and greed, but on positive outcomes of all divorce proceedings.
This world would be one in which remuneration is outcome based: the kids are functional, healthy, can work, love, and laugh.
Then, and only then, do you – attorney or psychologist -- get paid.


After your first post I ordered it and read it straight through.  I would highly recommend it!  
