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Visititation from another state

Started by sere030932, Nov 29, 2005, 10:41:44 AM

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My husband's ex (never married) lives in a different state and has custody of his daughter who is 6 years old.  We pay for all of the plane tickets and unnacompanied minors fees as well as $400 child support every month.  She has recently told us that she will not send the daughter out unless one of us flies with her the whole time - basically meaning we have to buy another plane ticket.  She is the one that moved, yet she tells us that it is all our responsibility - her and her husband do not have to pay any of the costs associated with travel and are now threatening to not let us see her unless we buy another ticket.  Is this legal?  Do we have any rights?  Can we demand they start paying for some of the transportation costs?  We are stressing out becuase we have already purchased her tickets for Christmas and have less than a month to get this straightened out - is there anything we can do?


If he doesn't, he is lucky to be seeing his daughter at all and he NEEDS to get one entered in the court ASAP. IMOA Until that happens, suck it up and buy the ticket and write BM a letter (certified) stating that you will comply because you have no choice and you look forward to seeing your daughter.

If he does, post what is written about transportation here. If it isn't specific I would look into filing a motion to clarify with the court. It is not sueing BM simply stating that you need more specific definitions on what you should do.

I am not a lawyer and these are just my opinions based on 10 years of hell.



when Dad files in court for a specific parenting plan that includes times he and his daughter are allowed to spend together,

I'd ask the judge to make the Mom reimburse you for the unecessary expense incurred this year of the additional airline ticket(s).

I agree that you should go ahead and do what it takes to make it happen this year, but file for a plan NOW, or rather YESTERDAY.


go to court and get the court order.  since you've been doing it one way, chances are the judge will continue to let it be the way you've established, meaning, the judge won't discontinue the visitations.

most airlines have the policy of a UAM flying nonstop flights at age 5, one stop flights at age 8, so you're within their guidelines.

the child's been flying alone for how long?  how often?  how long is the flight?  what cities is she flying between?


He does have a parenting agreement.  The agreement states the times he gets to see her - every other Thanksgiving, one week at Christmas, every other spring break, 6-8 weeks in the summer.  What I'm not sure about though is the travel arrangements - we are looking over it to see what it says, but yes there is an agreement.  Thank you


They have only been gone for about a year and a half now.  She has flown alone probably 3 times now.  The flights are between Denver and Cincinnati and are always nonstop.  It is about a 2 and half to 3 hour flight for her.  As far as she is concerned, she doesn't seem to mind, usually the flight attendants let her help give out drinks, and go to the cockpit and stuff.  She doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects from the arrangement.  


My SD has been flying alone since she was 7. Now that she is older she is having some trouble (thanks to DH's exwife) but for the blissfull 7 years in between she liked it just fine. She would always get special treatment and we always bought her a stuffed animal or something for when she arrived.

Man I miss her being a kid instead of a teenager.....

Good Luck


if the agreement doesnt' mention accompanying the minor AND she's already flown alone 3 times, I think you've set the precedent of her flying alone.

if mom doesn't send her, go to court for being noncompliant with parenting time.  

let mom sue you to make you fly.  turn it around on her, mom's the one who moved, mom's the one with the concern, mom should be the one accompanying.  mom moving away has caused hardship on you.

when you respond to mom's motion, ask for mom to assume resonsibility for the child's flight or ask for a reduction in child support for you having to pay for it.

stop kissing her ass.