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what can I do?

Started by wanttoseemyson, Jul 19, 2006, 12:02:40 AM

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I need to know what I can do...

My ex 7 years ago told me she was pregnant and I was the father. She was married to someone else at the time and a short time later divorced her husband and married a man she met before she and I started dating. She then said that man signed the BC and led me to believe that I was not in fact the father. Now here it is 7 years later and she is saying her 6 year old little boy is mine. Which I tend to believe since he looks just like me. I am going to take a dna test to prove I am the father. She and my son live in a different state where they are residents and I am a resident of my state..

 Can I file for visitation/ custody in my state since this is where I am a resident>?

Also I have some major concerns as to the fact that she has stated to my wife and I over a period of a few months that my son has a book full of medical problems every time we talk to her she claims yet another disease or illness he has. I am worried that she is also telling him he has all of these problems. Seriously she has stated over 15 different diseases he "has" to us in jst a few short months. She has also state that her 4 other  kids all have a multitude of "diseases". She is on disabitily herself for mental health reasons.

I have never even met my son so how do I go about setting up visitation when we live 2000+ miles away? How can I make sure she is not in someone abusing or causing my son to be ill? I don't know if she is just a compulsive liar or if she is in fact making him ill. There is no way he could have had some of the things she has stated. They are just bizarre things.  Please I need some help as to what I should do? Also we make about 10x what she does. She just went through another divorce has all of her children by different men. And is now dating another man with in 2 weeks of seperating from this husband.


Your best bet is to get a lawyer to get everything all figured out.  It is a bit convaluted.  Chances are if you want to do anything with visitation or child support it will be in the child's state of residence.  

Since you live so far apart and want to make sure the child is in the best type care, hire a private investigator to search her history and can do surveillance on how the house and family is.