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MY own personal vent~

Started by oneandonly, Dec 04, 2003, 03:51:57 PM

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Been thinking about doing this for a few days now---got some relief venting in chat, but just aint enough, ya know.....
Now, I know, as many of my friends here do, that our PBFH reads here. Her activities or psycho babble has been ignored for the most part. I, however, want to vent directly about her postings, referrences to me and crap like that.
First of all, on more than one occasion, she has posed as me in sparc chat. THe last time, I came in right after her under my posting name and saw another poster right at the top under the name "oneanonly"-slight variation, but posting about getting CA to change jurisdiction (kind of obvious who this was since she was at that time trying to change juridiction-ended up being a huge mess for her). One of the moderators was in there at that time and did an IP check--came up from CT.  HMMMM, maybe its not her, I think....but confirmation from several sources has lead us to believe she knows how to use a proxy.
Anyway, no harm done, really...she just ended up looking like a fool when busted and left the chat room.
Secondly, on another board, she gained access to the password and tried to pretend to be someone else. All to bother me, of course since I was on that board. The admin knew it was her from first sign in and we all had a party creating different stories for her to follow---like we were moving to Japan. Oh that was fun!! You should've seen how fast she ran to a legal board to get advice about keeping her support going...but I ramble on this...
I could go on and on about how her actions have been directed at me, personally from the past 6+ years but am trying to focus on most recent activities.
The last thing happening is that she gained access to my password on another board and took my name. Posted some really stupid replies to posters and yes, it pissed me off. I have been dealing with the admin on that board for weeks now about it but decided to let it go.
Now, these are personal things that happened to me and I know it stems from jealousy, perhaps, or the need to have continual control over my husband. I know from talking to several past girlfriends of my husbands, this behavior is not particularly directed at me, but anyone he has ever become involved with. I also know from meeting people that knew her in high school, the psychotic behaviors go that far back....
In the past few months, my husband and I learned that she"was either on PRozac at one time, or still needs to be--I vote for the later....and that her current husband is NOT happy with the way she treats the children (if there's trouble in the marriage, this would explain the push for support and constant pain in the *ss she is about it from not only my husband but her other daughters father>).
But, honestly, that does not concern me.
My venting has to do with the fact that no matter what has transpired between me and her...I have always been very very good to the kids. I dont believe either one of us, in the years Ive been around, have ever said one cross word to the kids. I know for a fact, I have not. I welcomed these children into my home, my life, long before we got married. I took them places, fed them, provided tazi service, cleaned up after them, yadda yadda yadda...all because I wanted to and never expected anything in return.
The last visit, last xmas was a little strained due to several factors. I lost my mother the previous summer while the kids were there and after they came back from visiting their other grandma, not 10 hours after my mother died....(cancer-spent 5 days in hospital with her), not one kind word from either child. The other factor was that mom had been telling us for months that neither kid could stand me---so, how was I supposed to behave? I let dad plan all activities and kept to myself. NOthing to complain about then, right? wrong---I got told I ignored them-after they went home, of course....(this was like a 7 day visit and half was spent with psychos mom).
Fast forward to recent events again....her continual postings and referrences to my husband when he does not do the same...now that stuff, he can handle or not, but things about me...well, most have been telling me to ignore, but its hard.

So, Judy, if you're reading this (and we know you are) dont bother copying and sending to my husband~this is MY vent about YOU.


the above is just a sample of what has been said--and mind you, child support issues  were messed up due to her trying to get OR to take jurisdiction and it has been proven that she did steal my name and she did come into sparc chat that day....

think Im done now....

edit--including more posts

and yet another one



it's been copied to psychos online journal.


I'm sorry for your problems with her...what a mess she's creating for herself...Keep it all documented and good luck dealing with the PBFH...she gives new meaning to that term...


Oh, I WISH I WISH I could get our PBFH to keep an online journal! I would LOVE to be able to document her rants and raves about me!


some girls get all the luck!




Well, this has been going on for a long time now..it's quite boring but I knew she would come here and read this (obviously from her online journal, which btw, she changed again). You can read in my original post the problems that directly relate to me...the ones we feel most sorry for are the children~
Now, it seems, last CHristmas is up for debate and what my husband got his children (not to mention the plane ticket for one)....LAST Christmas, mind you. My husband and myself are being raked over the "coals" for providing my niece (who lived with us) with a nice Christmas (her own mother took all her presents back)....can't win for loosing as my mom used to say.....
oy vey...
thanks for listening~



huh? not sure what that means? what message?


