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In the famous words of our dear Jilly, LET THE GAMES BEGIN

Started by smtotwo, Oct 13, 2004, 06:15:49 PM

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First of all I did take your advice Kitty, as this was my first instinct also, and spoke to the school superintendant.

I didn't focus on the ex or the children, except in the context of how my sons story came to the attention of the schoool.

I tried to stay focused on the fact that the school principal acted beyond her capacity in contacting my sons school.

The superintendant contacted the principal who then contacted the psychomommy.

Psychomommy called DH tonite and told him that I told the school that we had custody, that I was taking the children from school, and that I was entitled to the schools records.

I'm not sure how many remember but these were the same accustions she made 2 yrs ago and I spent a week, FULL 7 DAYS, in jail until they decided that the ex had in fact lied.

So please feel free to post any suggestions, however, bioson and I will be out of town for the next few days. I will be able to check any responses at the local library where we will be staying.  But DH called and told me today that I NEEDED to leave because the ex was "going to do something"  I'mnot sure what that means but I'd rather not take any chances.

And just a side note...Could the ex be bi-polar, or have some other disorder, as this happened at the same time of year the last time.
A traumatic event that triggers her problems at this time of year?

Also, after reading whippertizzy post, I realize that my problems are minute by comparison and am soooo sorry that your going through this.

Prayers and hugs to you.

Kitty C.

You're doing the right thing, STT.  Get out of Dodge while the gettin's good.  This psycho is off the deep end and you're her target.  You know FULL well that no one at the school told her what she told your DH.  I'd also have DH contact your atty. and have him contact the school, if for nothing else but to let them know that statements will be needed from them as to what the content of their conversations with the PBFH were. In other words, getting the ducks in a row and the ammo laid out to blow her lies right out of the water.

Question, tho.  What was the super's response when you explained the situation to him?  Did he say they would resolve the matter or that they'd  just 'look into it'?

You and DS stay safe, STT......and let us know how you're doing and what's going on.  
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......

All of us are family

>And just a side note...Could the ex be bi-polar, or have some other >disorder, as this happened at the same time of year the last time.
>A traumatic event that triggers her problems at this time of year?

Well, just so that you won't feel alone, my DH's ex has the same problem.

For the past four years, the problems always start around three dates: (1) the Holidays, (2) DH's birthday (October), and (3) the begining of school (September).

Those dates never fail to open the flood gates of motions, declarations and accusations.

Maybe it's the memories that resurface and she starts regretting losing what she threw away? Misery loves company, so they say. :-)


First the good is that when I came home there was a message from the superintendant of the stepkids school...he spoke to the school principal and explained to her exactly what we talked about and that what the biomom said was completely untrue.

So, at least now the school knows who's the REAL crazy one. Psychomommy claimed that I told school super that DH and I had custody, that I had legal rights to school records and that I was going to kidnap the children, she told this to the school principal.  So, the principal knows the truth , Thank GOD!

However, psychomommy did get a temporary restraining order against us and denied DH his visit this weekend.  We will be going to court and of course with the information from the school and the fact that she made these claims 2 yrs ago the TRO will be dropped.

But we'll have to go back to family court to file the contempt for denying the visit and to get make-up time, I'm sure we'll get the make-up time even though she had a TRO because we can prove she lied based on the school info and the fact that social services deemed her reports unfounded a full week before she filed for the TRO.  She waited until friday to get the TRO knowing we'd be down there friday afternoon to pick up the kids and not have time to fight it!

Another good thing is that we did find a family psychologist about an hour away who works saturdays and our first session is November 6.
They agreed to bill my insurance as bioson and I will be attending sessions, so they'll bill either under son or myself, because psychomommy refuses to give DH her insurance information, another contempt by the way.

I'm feeling a little less stressed today and bioson is also a little better.
However, he will be going to the psychologist to deal with his own issues of anger and frustration toward both DH's ex and the stepkids.

Thanks for all the help and keep us in your prayers.


You had to leave your home for fear of this psycho.  NO, NO, NO!

BM does the same thing although she refuses to come after me because I'd come back with a serious vengenance.  DH is constantly running scared of what new lie she will tell to land him jail and we are helpless, frustrated and horrified.  

How is it so easy for her to get a TRO?  I've been threatened, recorded it and noone would listen.

Can you try and get her to pay your attorney fee's?

How about bringing her to small claims court for false imprisonment?  If she is made to pay she might think twice next time.  Get her off your back.

Being arrested and imprisoned for absolutely nothing is truely terrifying to me. There must be some way to make her pay.