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Mom & Stepmom

Started by MommyX4StepX1, Apr 06, 2005, 04:08:58 PM

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I am a mother of three ages 12yrs, 23months and 14months.
I am also a step mom of one 7yrs old.
My husband does not have custody of his 7yr old daughter. we do have her half the time. Bio mom lives with a boyfriend of 4years. Recently we had to call CPS on the boyfriend for leaving a huge bruise on stepdaughter. We went to court for an ex parte and got temp. custody of SD for 1 week, then another judge overturned the ex parte.

Ever since Biomom has been horrible. Which is to be expected since she doesn't even believe her own daughter about the abuse.

I recently had to change my cell phone number and we got rid of our home phone . We are going with just cell phones. Biomom has been nasty to me. When Biomom drops off or picks up her daughter on her days to pick up or drop off, I've been avoiding her. But sometimes I can't if my husband isn't home yet.
What are my rights to protect my children from Biomoms nastiness.
I will shut and lock my door after stepdaughter walks out. Biomom still comes to the door and knocks and rings the door bell. Sometimes for 10minutes.
Biomom has my husbands phone number and can call him if she needs to talk about anything. Per court papers all communications about their daughter has to be between them.
My oldest child's father & wife and I( & my husband) get along great.
I don't want my children to have to be exposed to this. They don't understand and it makes my two youngest very upset.

Biomom will yell and call me names. She will just try and pick an argument with me.  Biomom isn't suppose to be doing this in front on her own child.  
What can I do???


Turn all your phones back on.  Then inform her by certified mail you intend to record her on all occasions (even at your door).  Then do it and use in court if it comes to that.   Unless she is really stupid, she will probably stop.  In addition you can call the police when she will not leave your property.



We shut off our home phone because we went with cell phones only. there is no point in having a home phone when we have three cell phones. My husband has one, I have one and one stays home or goes with my oldest daughter.
It saves us money doing it this way too.
I have bought a tape reorder and will be recording everything.
She's not very smart...I have called the police twice already to have her leave my property. She parks her car on the street and sits there for awhile. Or she goes to a friends house who lives by us.


Stay your course.  Follow the CO, where she only talks with your DH.  She's just trying to torture you because of the recent custody issues.  I hope that she'll get bored with her own antics.  Don't add any fuel to her fire.  And call the police if she starts to disturb your peace or gets destructive with your property.  Don't ever give her your cell phone number.


BioMom tried handing me papers again today and she lied about my husband telling her to. I knew he would never say that.
I recorded the entire conversation.
She didn't flip out this time but I'm sure it's a matter of time.

Thanks for your input!!!


Shoot her, drag her inside, and break your own door down... then call the police hysterical.... or go have some chocolate and put in some earplugs and play "there's a looney bird at my door" with the younger kids until BM goes away.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


(I LOVE the response about the looney bird!!!) I have a crazy woman (DH's ex, SS's mother) who parks outside the house, calls upwards of 30x per day when SS is here. Hang-ups, always. I can't afford caller ID, but am working on getting the phone company to record the number of calls.
BM has a history of drug abuse, (conviction with court ordered rehab), alcoholism, and anger management issues. Yet still retains custody of the child because she is a good liar, and the BM. (bm reminds me of a bowel movement, and that description fits her)

Do your best to stay your course. That is the most important thing. People like this slip up. It always happens, although it seems as though it takes forever, doesn't it?

Guard your cell # with your life, too. PPO's are hard to get, so make sure you document everything. Record, record. Take pictures, date everything. You will eventually catch her in her own game.



But I believe you can video tape anything in a public space. My recommendation is give your children a present by buying yourself a video camera and record her sitting infront of your house or banging on the door or whatever craziness she does.

I say that it is a present for the kids because hopefully this will keep ex in check around them.

Also, remember each state has laws about recording someone without their knowledge. Make sure you follow these rules or you may be in trouble.

Good Luck! I think most of us have crazies to some degree or another.



LMAO at 4.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**