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Okay… this weird to anyone else?

Started by forthekids24, Jun 29, 2005, 11:30:57 AM

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SD's are with the PBFH for the summer.  YSD's birthday is today, so I called.  Apparently for the past few days BM has been showing them all the old home movies from when she and DH were together.  Now, they were only together for about 2 years, and YSD was 3 months old when the PBFH left them and DH.  How many movies could they have?

And WHY is the PBFH dragging this stuff out?

It is just odd.



Maybe the kids were asking.  How old are they?  My 7 y.o. SD occasionally likes looking at pictures of my DH when he was married to her mother.  She said it makes her think her mom doesn't hate him so much and even use to love him.  My DH broke up with his Ex when she was 2.

Especially when kids are young, they would probably never imagine in a million years that their mother and father were ever a couple.  That there was any love.  Maybe your DH's Ex is also having regrets for letting a good man go.  Put it this way too, next time she bad mouths your DH, the kids will think of the movie and see dad was a nice guy in the movies to mom.  It'd make her look bad.


A power point presentation with Pictured from both my side and my ex 's side going back 3-4 generations.

With help from his mother I had some awesome pictures and both the ex and the kids were surprised at  the pics of me and the ex together.  We divorced 20 yrs ago.  He couldn't believe i kept the pictures, some as far back as high school.  

Our divorce was ugly, but I felt that because the kids were little at some point they would like to see that when we first met and married that we
really did love each other.

My grandsons call my DH grammpa Dan and my ex husband grammpa
Gary.  It was really nice and he took a picture cd home with him.

The kids need to know that they weren't a mistake or accident but
that came from love even if that love wasnt forever.


BM in our case also shows skids the home movies.  BM and DH were married for almost 8 years.  Skids were 5 and 3 when they divorced.  She only watches them with the skids and her daughter with her now DH when her DH is out of town.  I think it is odd especially when the skids aren't even in the videos.  The ones they are in seem alright but I still think it is a little strange to show them to her YD with her DH.


of the good times that he and BM had when they were together. I think it is wonderful. SD sees so much hate and anger related to BM and DH now, it is nice for her to know that it wasn't always that way. I wish DH had some home movies to show her instead of just pictures and stories because I don't think BM would every say a kind word about DH whether it be current or historical.

DH says he likes to hear about the times when his mom and dad were together and happy. I wish I could say the same. My dad rarely talks about when he and my mom were together and when my mom does, she always has to make my dad sound like a doof, even though the stories tend to be positive. (my mom PASed me and my siblings and it never stopped)


Okay, that does make sense... and I would love to be able to put something together like that for the kids.

The PBFH still has pictures of my DH in her house.  That is just odd.  (They were only together for less than 2 years and she left him and the kids more than 10 years ago)

Dh thinks that the kids are the ones asking to see the videos... they miss us terribly and are bored out of their skulls this summer.

Thanks for the response



Makes sense.  SD's were too young to remember thier parents together and happy when PBFH abandoned them and DH.

DH thinks that SD's are the ones wanting to watch the videos constantly since they are homesick.  Makes them feel closer to DH.  (Even though they are right down the street)

Thanks for the response



DH has pictures of both his exs in our house.  The kids need to know that the other parent is considered a part of our lives even if we dont like her....

These pics are in their rooms.  ALso, DH pulled out thier wedding photos, etc and made the skids placemats with lots of before and after pics for the kids.