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DH and his ex's

Started by smtotwo, Jan 12, 2006, 07:01:58 AM

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First ex has borderline personality disorder and I have been her target for the last 2-3 yrs when it switched to me from DH.  Now that I can effectively deal with her and her constant lies we've been thrown another curve.

I may collapse under the pressure, WHERE THE HELL DOES HE FIND THESE PSYCHOPATHS!!?

How do you deal with being punished for the stupidity of DH?

I am near my wits end and close to separating with him. When he was younger (9yrs ago) He got drunk and slept with his brothers g/f. She got pregnant and they never did DNA to determine whose child it is.

CHild has brothers name as middle and last name, but now she's claiming its DH's child. She can't find brother and we don't know where he is, so she's not getting any support. But DH pays religously to his ex so she knows where to get the money.

How close are sibling DNA? He and his brother could pass for twins if not for the age difference.


are not close enough to accidentally think one brother is the father if he isn't. But the place testing for DNA needs to KNOW that the other possible father is a full sibling to your DH. It will change how they test.

They will check for alleles and other markers. You need more than a yes/no answer on this one, I would think.

Don't forget, that brothers who look alike can also have differing blood types and can be genetically very different... so don't go jumping to conclusions.  

One thing you can do, is find out if DH remembers what time of year he did the deed. It takes 40 weeks to have a full term baby. Go backwards from the child's birth 40 weeks and see if it is even a possibility.  He sleeps with her ONCE? and brother slept with her MANY times. Chances of it being brothers is much higher than DH's. Chances of her having already been pregnant are also a possibility. So calm down, take a look at the situation as you might see it in hind site.

Get the paternity test completed and then re-assess after that. If DH is the father, deal with it as an absolute, not as the dreaded "could be".
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


>One thing you can do, is find out if DH remembers what time of
>year he did the deed. It takes 40 weeks to have a full term

This is not necessarily true.  Full term is 37-42 weeks.  I had my baby at week 38.5 and he was considered full term.  Many babies are late.  Most doctors induce by week 42, though.  There's a 5 week window there.

NCSM to 2 boys
BM to my little guy
DH - my wonderful husband