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update on court happenings....

Started by speciallady, Oct 14, 2007, 06:07:47 PM

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I suppose I should post in support board but here I am..
okay--so court was on Friday. It was not good, at least for now.
Long story short, the "master" who ran the hearing was really really abbrasive and rude to my husband. She interrupted him, accused him of not paying his support and threatened him with jail if he doesnt pay this. Now, just an FYI--psycho filed to have interest added to arrears via a CA court order which has been closed since Dec 2006. My dh had a letter to this effect that was sent from CA but when the "master" started attacking him and threatening him with jail, he just clammed up. I realize the "master" was opperating under the law and really didnt do anything but confirm from an audit that this money is owed, but she was just so ignorant to him. This "master" had not right to threaten jail as this recommendation is NOT a court order yet...
Anyways, Syliva Beller is her name. I watched her all morning and thought at least, from her mood, she'd hear what my dh had to say. Didnt happen.
So objection being filed this week along with paper confirmation, (hopefully if CA doesnt drag its feet again) current confirmation this case is closed. Nothing to lose anyways...

one funny justification, if you can call it that...
we leave court in MY new car and look who's at the bus stop???? I shoulda waved!!
Oh and the recommendation is full of mistakes (like date garnishment is to begin-etc....) so if nothing else, an objection will force a REAL judge to look at this info.
I've got case laws where interest added to arrears AFTER a court order is closed if appealed and won. Should it get that far.

Man, she got HUGE too--surprised she fit in the court seat!!!

either way, no harm no foul as they say--wage garnishment might go back into effect but it'll be paid off soon too--kids are almost 20 though so I hope they see how vindictive and horrible their mother is when they ask their dad to help with something and he says, "go ask your mother..."



CA CSE is sending confirmation that this order was CLOSED in Dec 2006. That is why dh had a hard time talking to them previously--HOWEVER, once they learned NV wanted to add this amount, they were furious. Understandably so since no federal money would be coming their way (CA) if NV collects...

DH finally got to talk to someone about all this instead of being passed around--a real person!

HEHE--she took a nasty bus ride for nuttin~