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Bullshit Meter Peggin'

Started by Brent, Nov 26, 2003, 03:20:04 PM

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Nope. Billy Carter was in Saudi Arabia once and drunkenly relieved himself in some sort of mosque or other holy venue. There was a big outcry about it at the time, but Billy laughed it off in his charming "Aw shucks, they was just A-rabs" redneck way and the story eventually died out.

[p]Ol' Billy was a hoot, wasn't he?  Certainly more entertaining than Roger.  

[p]The funny thing about the Florida elections was that one area "voted overwhelmingly" for PAT BUCHANAN.  Hahahahaa!  He himself was shocked, as he didn't even bother campaigning there ;-)

[p]I would vote for Geraldo Rivera for president before I'd vote for her.

[p]I'm feeling somewhat relieved. I think the first woman president should be Condoleeza Rice.  What do you think?

[p]>I didn't like Dubya, but I like the way he's handling things

[p]I guess after a while, one's tongue goes numb so the bullshit doesn't taste quite so bad.

[p]I was so pissed off at Papa Bush over Iraq and Kuwait, that I voted for Ross Perot.  Loved those flow charts! Dubya will not back down, and he's sending a message that we will not stand by and let injustice continue.  All politicians are full of shit.  What do you do when you're the biggest dog in the yard, and people are begging for help?  What do you do when terrorists make a big f*((*statement?  Why, you kick ass and take names!   Hold on tight and don't let go.  You have a problem with that?  I've already stated my opinion on security measures for our country.  They suck.  

[p]Your turn...and Happy Thanksgiving!

[p]Disclaimer:  These are my views, not SPARC'S.  I believe that as the world's most powerful nation, sometimes we have to intervene and correct gross violations of basic human rights.  Guess it sucks to be the big dog in the yard, yeah?


I try to stay out of anything political. I do not vote.
I do however feel that when a terrorist attacks our homeland they should be punished.
When a forgein government hides those people they are saying they approve of that action, and our people should get the justice they deserve for that terrorism.
I support Bush.

---I believe that as the world's most powerful nation, sometimes we have to intervene and correct gross violations of basic human rights---

I agree to an extent.
I first believe we need to handle our own problems. We are giving billions of dollars to other contries, we know we will never see that money again.
Why not spend a few billion on our OWN homeless? our orphans? our elderly?
Do they not deserve our beliefs in basic human rights?


Not that it seems to do a whole heck of a lot of good these days....but like my dad said, "if you don't vote, you can't complain".

America is in serious trouble.  We are taking care of everyone.  It's a nice thought, but the people who deserve to be taken care of (vietnam vets), are left in the dust.  The Iraqis and the folks in certain African countries, are counting on us to help them, but we do need to clean up our own mess.  I'm in CA, and the illegals are killing this state : (

Ah what a mess...


If I don't vote I cannot be blamed for the screw ups either *G*

It would be a nice thought if all countries helped out everyone, not just us.
You are right though, America is in serious trouble. I wonder how long we will still be a 'Free Nation'

My thoughts are my own not SPARC's


Lol!  At least you didn't say that registering to vote would make you elligible for jury duty.  That's my 21 yr old daughter's excuse :/

All countries do not consider democracy a virtue.  Some are run by people who think nothing of dropping gasoline filled tires over people's necks....then setting them on fire.  It's really hard when a certain ex president regularly received him and his wife(now in prison in an African country for her crimes) at the White House with full honors.

We're in deep doodoo when the junior senator from New York can go over and tell the troops they don't exactly have 100% support from the American people.  My words...but it's all over the place on that other site I go to.  When the article was posted, the Admin Moderator reminded us not to post anything that could be construed as a death threat towards the Hildebeast.  It's people like that who pose the most serious threat to this country as a whole, and Americans as free men, women, spouses, and most importantly...parents.  It takes a village idiot to think that the state can raise kids better than their own parents.

I'll hop off my soapbox now...

Of course this is my opinion...not necessarily those of the people who run SPARC.