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Brent, your posts are not productive in promoting SPARC’s mission

Started by Charles, Jan 04, 2004, 06:42:31 PM

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I appreciate your taking the time to write this. To help resolve the issues you raised, here are my suggestions:

Suggestion #1: If you don't like what you see here, then don't come here. It's your choice.

Suggestion #2: Don't demand that we censor the site for you. That's not going to happen.

Thanks for sharing.



Yes, I agree with you that is a helpful site.  But be careful!  You have said something that indicates that in your opinion as well, Brent's post are less than helpful and may be counterproductive.  As he has threatened me, albeit a veiled threat, Brent may also decide to publicly post information about your computer that only SPARC Admin has a legal right to know on this board.  In fact, the veiled threat, guised in a question of permission, is in direct contradiction to the site's Acceptable Use Policy that SPARC requires their members to uphold, and yet Brent, as a Moderator has stated publicly that he will violate his own boards AUP and post my IP address in entirety – with my permission of course, and proceeded to give all but the last two numbers in an effort to threaten the very security of my home computer system, even though he has no right to as a moderator. To even bring into the discussion posting my IP address is profound aggressive posturing, and a clear abuse of his position.   Again, to what purpose would this veiled threat to the security of my home computer system serve in the interest of this board?    

Brent, does this mean that anyone who calls attention to your getting out of hand with your posts, or disagrees with your posts as being inappropriate, will be threatened with the security of their home computers because you have access to information about their computers that the general public does not and should not have?  As a moderator, is it not your goal to "moderate" the people who have become belligerent, abusive, and resorting to petty name-calling, etc?  And yet, you allow it to continue unabated.  This is very disturbing and I would caution anyone that the boards that you moderate are definitely not open for civil disagreement, and that you will allow, abusive posts (and even name calling replies have been sent to my inbox as private messages from SPARC members instead of being posted on the board in a less pusillanimous way), to carry on when it suits your purpose of gathering cohorts to help you bash.  

I have as much right to a CIVIL opinion as any one else on this board has a right to a CIVIL opinion.  

For those of you who have chosen to post very abusive replies and send abusive e-mail to my inbox, sooner or later it will be you in my place, as long as we have a moderator who refuses to moderate, and I will be there to see it happen because I plan to stay awhile, and I promise you, when your turn comes to be on the receiving end, and it will sooner or later...I will try to reply to you with a civil tongue, in the spirit of civil disagreement, as mature, intelligent human beings should.  


we have individuals who "troll" this site - they are from other boards, seeking information about an ex or the ex of a friend.  Many times they register with one or more names and ask many questions.  And sometimes they just come to this site to post false information to see if they can get any of the posters to "bad-mouth" a BM - then take it back to their board and point a finger telling everyone on their board "SPARC is anti-mother and they're jerks."  Sad, but true.

This is totally deceitful - apparently Brent determined the IP addresses were the same and thought, as many of us would have, that your IP addy had two registered users at SPARC who were one and the same.

It probably would have been helpful if Charles had identified himself as your husband in his first post to avoid any confusion of this nature.

I am not saying what was done was right or wrong - merely the reasoning behind it.  Too often an ex has come to this site to glean information only to use it in court against the other one.

A sad commentary that, on all boards, we must watch our backs - never know who will show up where, being deceitful.

Now let us be done with all of this business as SPARC Admin posted just below.


Lol, at least he didn't tell nerd to go eat shit and bark at the moon, like he told me to.  Or something like that...

If someone says something I totally disagree with, I have two choices.  I can either ignore it, or jump in with both feet.  I've exercised the third option of permanently leaving a board several times over the years.  

We're all people here.  Why can't members post funny stuff as well as serious topics?  Btw, the 20.00 words are cracking me up )(


>As he has threatened me, albeit a veiled threat,

I haven't threatened you in any way, so don't even go there. You're such a victim. Can anyone do anything that doesn't offend or threaten you somehow? Geeez, give me a break.

>In fact, the veiled threat, guised in a
>question of permission,

Oh please. Give it a rest. The way you see it, if I ask permission, I'm threatening you. If I didn't ask permission, I'd be threatening you. If I'd asked you privately in email, I'd be threatening you there too. Is there a way to communicate with you that doesn't "threaten" you?

The real question is, why do you feel threatened? What is it that you're afraid of?

>Brent, as a Moderator has stated publicly
>that he will violate his own boards AUP and post my IP address
>in entirety

Nope, I said no such thing, and anyone can go read the posts and see for themselves. As a moderator, I can view IP addresses for the very reason that MKx2 stated- because some people come here to troll. I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that, of course.

> with my permission of course, and proceeded to

Yes, shame on me for asking for your permission. :)

>Again, to what purpose would
>this veiled threat to the security of my home computer system
>serve in the interest of this board?  

See MKx2's post on trolls. That'll clue you in.

>Brent, does this mean that anyone who calls attention to your
>getting out of hand with your posts, or disagrees with your
>posts as being inappropriate, will be threatened with the
>security of their home computers because you have access to
>information about their computers that the general public does
>not and should not have?

It means that supposedly separate posters with the same IP may be asked why that is, just like you were. Funny how "charles" didn't bother to say he was your husband, something that you would think he would be very open about. Instead he made no mention of it, and presented himself as if was a completely disinterested 3rd party. That's a bit deceptive, don't you think?

>As a moderator, is it not your goal
>to "moderate" the people who have become belligerent, abusive,
>and resorting to petty name-calling, etc?  

Where is all this name-calling you're referring to? Give me some actual examples with URLs here on these boards, or stop making this claim.

> This is very disturbing and I would

If it's that disturbing and threatening to you, why do you keep coming back? One would think you either like the conflict you're obviously  causing, or you're lying about feeling "threatened". Which is it?

>definitely not open for civil disagreement, and that you will
>allow, abusive posts

Oh, yeah, no civil disagreements here. Except for all the posts you aren't a part of. 99% of the posts here are civil and helpful. You're the only one claiming that this place is a hotbed of hatred...but you won't give us any examples. I must conclude you are lying.

>(and even name calling replies have been
>sent to my inbox as private messages from SPARC members
>instead of being posted on the board in a less pusillanimous

Oh my god, should the admin censor private messages too? The way you've rigged it, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Here's a better idea- go into your User Menu panel and turn off the "Use private message system" option.

>to carry on when it suits your purpose of gathering
>cohorts to help you bash.  

Oooh, my "cohorts". You mean "people that don't agree with me and are willing to say so". You mean those "cohorts"?

Hmmm, maybe my "cohorts" and I can all get matching T-shirts or something to help foster that team spirit. What do you think?

>I have as much right to a CIVIL opinion as any one else on
>this board has a right to a CIVIL opinion.  

Well, actually, you don't. No one does. SPARC has no "civil opinion" guarantee that I could find in the AUP. We ask people to be polite, but there isn't anything that guarantees you a "civil opinion". Stop telling us what your "rights" are here, because you really don't have any "right" to anything here. You have no "right" to guaranteed access, or even that the site will be up. You have no "right" to a reply of any sort, and you don't have a "right" to expect any particular kind of response whatsoever. Where in the world do you get off claiming you have some "right" to something here?

You're here because someone else created this site, funded it, and maintained it. That doesn't give you the "right" to anything here. Your entitlement mentality is blatantly obvious.

>For those of you who have chosen to post very abusive replies
>and send abusive e-mail to my inbox, sooner or later it will
>be you in my place, as long as we have a moderator who refuses
>to moderate,

First, I don't condone anyone sending you abusive emails. (I'll assume you're telling the truth about this.)  If anyone has done this, please stop immediately.

Second, I haven't seen any "abusive" replies to you on these boards. Please provide an example or two or stop making this claim.

>...I will try to reply to you with a civil tongue, in the spirit of
>civil disagreement, as mature, intelligent human beings

But don't you feel too "threatened" to sick around? lol

Don't worry- even you are welcome here, and telling us you're "going to be sticking around" isn't going to bother anyone here.

Now, are you going to provide some examples of the abusive replies you claim have been made to you, or not?

Indigo Mom

-----Now, are you going to provide some examples of the abusive replies you claim have been made to you, or not?-----

The abuser is me.  I called Charles a "wrinkly old prune pissed off at men".   I even abused you, too...called ya an insignificant little blip on the www .

I'm so mean...I just kill me sometimes.  

Indigo Mom

I almost died laughing when he went after me.  Ok, Mr. B...you know I love ya, so forgive me for doing this........

Anyway, SPG...Mr. B and I were in a thread about marriage.  I made the "mistake" of saying I liked marriage.  BIG TIME BOO BOO!!!!

He starts going off about how terrible it is, I kept coming back with my reasons for liking it.  He'd come back, and so would I.  Looking back, you'd have thunked we was married 'n shit...LOLOL

Finally, the ol' coot (yes, Mr. B, I'm talking about YOU) says that when I'm done with my husband, I'll steal his kids and money.  

Now, you have to understand why I was wetting myself when I read this.  (and still giggling up a storm writing this) Hub and I have never HAD kids.  He has mine, but legally, I can't steal "his" kids.  He has no money, we're 2 broke individdles!  But Mr. B assumed that because I was a woman, I'd do this.

Kicked his butt something fierce....i shooooo did!!!!  You KNOW I did, Mr. B!!!!  Set that lil fanny straight, by golly!!!!

Oh, isn't he funny?  Ya gotta love the ol man!!!!  I bet we could sit here for days telling funny Mr. B stories...lmao!!!!  He is weird, I'll "allow" him to share that title with me, but I think his heart is in the right place...to help others.  I honestly don't think he deserves these attacks by nerd and her husband.  


>The abuser is me.  I called Charles a "wrinkly old prune
>pissed off at men".   I even abused you, too...called ya an
>insignificant little blip on the www .

You woman-basher!!  LOL, the funny thing is that both of those statements are true. ;)


Lol, something like that.  It's around here somewhere.  

What's up with nerd anyway?


>What's up with nerd anyway?

She and her husband think they have the right to decide how this site should be run, the right to rule on what content is acceptable to be posted, the right to a civil reply, and the right to order the admin to censor posts.

Needless to say, she's unhappy because the SPARC site won't jump to attention at her command. She's no doubt a very controlling person in her little world, everywhere except for here, and that upsets her to no end.

She keeps claiming that she's getting all sorts of "abusive" relies, but if they exist, no one can find them.

Her frequent use of the word "abusive" makes me think she one of these delicate little wussies who thinks the entire world should take pains to accomodate her personal prejudices, and that she should never see or hear anything that might "offend" her (another word she uses way too often).