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Lets' Set a New Agenda

Started by POC, Nov 01, 2004, 07:18:17 PM

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I am a good 3 hours away! Maybe we can plan to celebrate when Illinois gets something in writing. legally, officially. With luck, we might be next...and with proper wording.

I am ready for some good old fashioned letter writing. Maybe start with the Flint newspaper and their bias article. Did you read that peice of trash?

"Children learn what they live"


Wanna see quicker change?

Start hounddoggin legislators, judges and attorneys with PI's. Give incriminating evidense to their spouses.( Let's face it,, odds are good they WILL be caught with dirty laundry). Let them get the dirty end of the stick in divorce,, bet the laws change a lot quicker ;)


and the time has probably NEVER been better.

I have to be very brief right now.  My vision COMPLIMENTS any past , current or future individual efforts.  It involves organizing millions of people (nationality) from all walks of life transcending every social entity (ie age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, etc) and initially has one premise that parents will determine ALL custody issues thus removing all of government from making any determinations concerning children - parent relationships .  

It is basically that simple.  I can elaborate on this vision.  This is a civil endeavor but not neccessarily respecting any authority (so-called) that does not respect our endangered children.  

Perhaps everyone could think in these terms...non-profit, regional coorinators, endorsements from other respected organizations, etc.
An action organization ... not a support group.

Membership cost 02 cents...small at first then snowballing.  Primarily email communication.

I think it is best to think in general terms and let the detail components work out as dedicated committed resources become available to make decisions by sharing ideas and working together.    

Any input ???


I'm a registered Republican, but I'm always willing to explore other  candidates.  I do it all the time.  What was the difference between your friend and his/her opponent, besides political party?  Of course there are some people that will not actually look past the political party when voting.  That's probably what happened to your friend.

If I was to ever run for any local office, I would change my party affiliation to Independent.  I've heard one or two things about the Constitution Party, but really have no information.  In areas where the majority of the population belongs to a particular party, it could be a wise move to run as a third party candidate.

The school board is a good choice.  There are issues with today's public education system that I think everyone can agree on.  At the local level, I'd say it's the budget for starters.   You could attend open board meetings, and take notes.  Listen to what they want to spend your money on.  You could research current and past budgets.  What galls me is that they always need more money, but it's not helping kids to read or learn basic math.  

They keep asking for more and more money, but the bathrooms and classrooms are falling apart.  Where is the money going?  If we have to make our money stretch, so should the government.  Find out if these folks go on "fact finding missions" to Vegas or Cancun on budget money.  It happens.  Check out how much money their luncheons and dinners are costing.  If they truly cared about education, they'd have potlucks.  If you, or anyone else reading this, decides to run for a school board position, this is an issue that ticks everyone off.  More money for substandard education.

School boards are another good ol' boy network.  You could hope for a nasty scandal that would sour voters, and encourage them to look elsewhere.  Everyone is getting fed up, and the person who best addresses their issues is the one that wins....well, theoretically.  


Lol!  Seriously, let's face it.  There is a double standard between regular taxpaying folks, and the folks that tax us.

Every election, someone is digging up dirt on some candidate.  The ultimate was all the info that was dug up on Clinton.  Did Hillary leave?  How about Arnold Schwarzenegger?  There was some unsavory behavior towards females in his past, however he wasn't married at the time.  It seems that for some people, there are no consequences.

These women will publically stick with their husbands until the bitter end.  I wish they had more self respect.  The evidence should be leaked to the news media, which would bury it most likely (unless the politician is Republican), Drudge, and other outlets.  Let the voters get them out of office.  If you can't manage your personal life appropriately, how can you govern or make decisions that affect so many other people?

I agree with your thoughts, though.  Wouldn't it be nice....


I agree, we do need to set a new agenda.  On October 25,  we had our first meeting for our group we named PAS KIDS IN DISTRESS.

FYI, I have outlined what we have done in Maine.  So far it seems to be working, but I expect we'll run up against roadblocks.  Any idea you have will be welcome.  We need to share any idea that works.  We can accomplish great things if we work together.  Now's the time to contact
your newly elected Reps and Senators, they are writing their bills now to present when the session starts in January.....  See Below:

Thought you might be interested in what Maine is doing to combat parent/child alienation and abuse.  So far we are getting media attention, which is badly needed   ---
Here is our formula  we used= you do need to plan ahead
Get a name for your group, ours is PAS Kids In Distress or PAS KIDs

1.  Write a letter to the editor (you should get some responses, these will be these your core members,  enlist them to help spread the word).  They will feel better when they think they are doing something to         help and will get some comfort knowing a group is trying to save their sanity.  

2.   From this you will be able to find someone who is willing and able to help you form and lead a Childrens/Parents support group and at the same time get active.

3.   Get all the information you can...there is a lot out there...write down all the web sites, books and other important information,  put it in a binder for easy reference. This can be presented at your meeting.

4.    Set a Date and Plan a meeting, even if you only have 4 or 5 who respond to your letter....it will grow.

5.    Do a mailing to Legislators, GAL's, School Guidance Counselors, Lawyers, Psychiatrists, Child Protection Workers and anyone you can think of.  The least expensive way is to send post cards.  Make your own cards on your computer.
Don't be disappointed if none of them come..your main goal, for the 1st meeting is to get publicity.  All those you invited will see that you mean business when they read it in the paper.

6.    Notify the press!  You may want someone to write a PRESS Release
because it needs to be something that grabs their attention.
Write a prepared statement to give them at the meeting.  If they
don't come you can mail it the next day adding something about what went on at the meeting. Be sure to include a story someone (maybe your own) has told.  No names needed in the article unless you wish).

7.    Invite some one knowledgeable to come and speak.  We had a Psychotherapist, who had gone through it, speak to us.

8.    For those who are victims, invite them to tell their story.

9.    Be sure to spread the word about the Class Action Law suit and ask them sign the on-line petition.

10    Urge them to write a letter to the FBI  about their situation.  They have been denied their civil rights that is guaranteed to them by the 14th amendment and they  have a right to make a complaint (more info is at Childrens Justice.org/crop, a sample letter is there so they can form their own letter from that.)  
            Hopefully, you will be able to get the press to do an article.
            (we had 3 reporters at our 1st meeting,    
11   Set a date for your second meeting (our second meeting is coming up Nov 29, 7:00 pm at Gilbert School)  
Here is what we have planned for the next meeting.
            We sent notices to the newspapers so it can be listed 2 weeks
           prior to the meeting.  We have to get the word out early.
            At this meeting we have invited two State Representatives and one  State Senator.  We are trying to get laws laws enforced/ changed/ written    i.e.  = The courts are too slow and families are destroyed before their case even gets heard.....
The Guaradian's ad Litem do more harm than good.......etc
If you do this, be prepared for someone to attend the legislive hearing
and speak to the committee regarding the importance of the bill when
it comes before the committee.
        (We would love to hear about your experience with a GAL
    before our next meeting,Nov 29, even if you're from another state)

If there is anyone in Maine, needing help or who would like to work with us, please email us at     [email protected].   Or send your story to PAS-KIDs,  PO Box 2114,   Augusta, ME 04330.
We would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has formed a group as to what you are doing.
Together we can make a difference, not just in Maine. Let's swap ideas.
Hazel Davis