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How many of you step moms..

Started by flewwellin, Jul 19, 2005, 02:16:11 PM

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We started our "family" 10 yeasrs ago.  DH adopted my kids when my 1st husband fell off the face of the earth, with parting words "I don;t give a F*** what this does to the kids" and that was that.

2DH and I never had any biological children, but here is what happened with his ex, she called all the other kids "Illegitimate Bast****", called me a "Whore", "Mistress" (All documented in writing from her and in court records) and has testified that she does not give a SH** about the other kids.  She has ingrained this to my Step child - he teeter totters between the 2 attitudes.  Sad really, he should be proud of the older ones who are in the military adn fight for our county and are out of the country now.  Continuing on with BM, she has stalked us (all proven in court) and filed false police reports and filings (all in cour records) and is on Prozac for her "depression" and the judge has even told her her anger is out of control, she is an admitted abuser, (admitted to this in court under oath and questioning) and has given such an attitude that the Phd reports to the court show that she has an underlying anger and hostility towards me and foams at the mouth when step child calls me mom.  As our first attorney said, she is a Betty Broderick in the making.............


I can see your concern in this.  I would think that it would be a very common concern and therefore truly try to let the kids mom know that just because we are having a baby it's not to replace her kids it's just to add on to the family we already have.  


Oh my!  I hope that she didn't have a baby to beat ya'll to it!!  That would be horrible for that poor little baby! Gee guess some BM's are truly crazy!


Sounds like she wins the BM nut case award!


strange you say that cause my friend is in a very similar sittuation.  He is trying for #3 cause he wants a daughter really bad.  I don't think the girl he's with now will be stupid enough to give him a second kid from her. (my best friend had a son in April 2002) he has since had another son last year some time and he'll truly probably have another.  He's worthless, doesn't pay child support, doesnt' visit with his son during his visitation time (it's spent with the father's mom) and won't even speak with him on his birthday!  Creep.  I am sorry that you have to deal with a creep!


Well, the reactions here changed, and changed again, and changed again, .......etc.

At first, she was all sweet and happy for us, then she started freaking out the closer it got to delivery time, and by the time we were in the hospital, she actually CAME TO THE HOSPITAL and showed her a$$!  
It was freaky, like some surreal world for me.  I was still hooked up to the IV and epidural, as I had had a c-section, and she was freaking out on DH in the hallway.  Her new hubby was there, too.  Crazy!!

Things calmed down after that, I guess.  Didn't make any difference anyway we went  on to have a few more, and she was not allowed to come to the hospital for any of them.  :)


I dare our BM to come to the hospital and start harrassing us! I'll call the security or cops on her so damn fast!  


Seriously, you should really post this story under the "Looking for ex w/biggest nerve..." topic. I think that she would win the trophy.


What I found to be really insane about the whole thing was, she wasn't freaking out b/c she was worried about the effect this would have on the child she and DH had together, she was worried b/c she saw this as the final proof he was able to move on with his life and forget about her.  She said exactly at one point "You used to have ME up on a pedestal, and now all that will change"!  

Her new husband was there and saw the whole charade.  Unbelievable that he didn't leave her then.  That took a few more months of getting to know the real her.  :D

BTW...she's on #5 now - how sad.


That's it in a nutshell!!  She was so completely jealous!

In my sittuation, the kids are now home in PA with their mom we won't see them again until the day after christmas by then the baby will be born.  I am curious to see how she truly reacts after the baby is born.  We spoke the other night about the baby and me getting pictures taken and of course sending some to the step kids so they can see their baby brother ( we're told its a boy ).  She actually said to send one to her specifically so that she could put it in her van she says she's got a kind of collage of pictures of all the people who mean a lot to the kids (DH and I aren't on it though) and she would really like to be able to have a picture of their baby brother so they can brag about him.  Here's to hoping all goes well!!!