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Anyone see 20/20 last night?

Started by iceclimber, Sep 20, 2008, 06:36:36 AM

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Kitty C.

You're preaching to the choir here!  And I would love nothing better than to be able to whip some a$$!

I agree with you 100%............the govt' has failed our children miserably by creating the current adversarial atmosphere in family court.  I truely believe that if that were eliminated, and parents KNEW going into court that there would be no fighting over the children, they would cooperate a whole lot more.........because they know they HAVE to in order to maintain custody.  In fact, I think there should be laws in place that if a parent purposely creates problems with custody issues, they should have their parenting time reduced until they change their ways.

Now look what you did..........you got me back on my soap box again!  :-)
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


to place the blame on the gov't and family courts, when it is PARENTS that are acting like insolent children.
sure family courts let children down when these issues need resolve and they just pass the buck.... but the real blame lies with the parent(s).
they are the ones failing the children.

Kitty C.

Like I said, it's the courts and the current laws that have created the adversarial atmosphere in family court.  Without that, you would have parents who KNOW going into it that there will be no fighting over the kids.  Take away the theater and the actors can't act.  

I know of too many women who 'know how the game is played' and milk the system and courts......and the father, and screw their kids because they KNOW they can get away with it, because the system is built around that.  The current system ALLOWS the parents to act like insolent kids.  If you take away the opportunity, they either HAVE to agree to joint physical custody or end up with extremely limited or no custody.  If you create an atmosphere where the KIDS win, the parents won't fight each other.  Right now, our laws and the courts create winners and losers between the PARENTS, giving them ample opportunity to do everything within their power to shut the other parent out of the kids' lives.

The current adversarial system was created by our laws and the courts.  They are the ones who started it and that's where it has to end.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


 i don't believe for one second that there is a system that could ever be implemented that could keep a vindictive ex from manipulating it... despite the fact that it hurts the children.

even in joint custody....some parents just want to fight and make life miserable for the other parent and will continue to do so, no matter the system in place.

i also don't believe the courts started it... society started it. our parents, our grandparents. it's what we all were taught. and it is still out there. in tv shows depicting women as the primary care giver. i agree this has changed, but our civilization hasn't depicted it. and society has never accepted change gracefully. change is bad.

am i saying the system isn't flawed? no. lawyers, judges, and evaluators are more focused on lining their pockets than truly serving the 'best interest' of the child. conflict is job security.

that just my opinion.


Try to look at it this way and, for God's sake, please tell your pastor :

A child is made to love and be loved...it's not up to government to determine who can love a child or be loved by a child.

A child's capacity to love is formed in a family.... not in court.

A family's most important bond is the relatonship among the members of the family ... in our society it was never the intent or purpose of government to interfere in the family unit to showing favortism of one parent over the other parent.

What every child needs from a parent is unconditional love ... not conditions ordered by a court.
I have looked and looked.  I can not find it written anywhere that I am required to purchase my children from the government or that a parent is entitled to ask the government to broker children.

I have been advised all my life that my labor is to provide for my children.  The court threw in to the equation my wife's boyfreinds children.

I also have been advised all my life that I am required to nuture my children with encouragement and to motivate them in their life.  
I found that impossible when YOUR government not only condons but promotes their demise in their uncanny absence from home.



i'd appreciate you dropping the pastor bit. we weren't talking about him, you don't know him..... no reason to make such remarks.



You previously posted that your pastor advised you to file and that event is directly related to the serious subject matter of the thread.  I'm not posting lipsmack...please tell your pastor what I said.  

I'd be more than happy to contact him or, better yet, I'll ask one of the kids at church to contact him.

I'm almost certain none of them will say they want to be a single parent when they grow up.

I really hope that what I post is helpful to you other wise you're wasting your time logging on.


Kitty... I've seen time and time again how important the strong well-spoken female voice is in the real advocacy for children.  Why you and I don't always see eye to eye you should know how much you are appreciated no matter what.  Your son is a very lucky young man !

I mentioned in a previous post about a female attorney that consulted with FR advocates.  She was very experienced and she was not promoting new business.  She would never offer what drew her to provide free legal advice or what caused her to only represent fathers. I went to her office with an appointment.

She had represented a father in what she considered a normal divorce/custody case.  The only rather unusual situation was that the father requested a social study on the mother's boyfriend which he passed with flying colors.  The father paid her and she never heard another word until 3 years later when the daughter was 8 yrs old.

The frantic father phoned one Sunday evening after receiving a call from his daughter following return from a weekend visit.....the police removed the daugher about 90 minutes later (caught in the act with lip stick and candles).   The mother got 25 years and her husband got 50 years.  The act had been on-going EOW for the 3 years.


if you had something worthy to discuss or contribute, it would not be necessary.

fortunately i don't log on for you.
my posts with you are done.


Logging on and refusing to contemplate the many HARMS your entitlement prone government has caused children only serves to prolong your alligator mouth humming bird a$$ disease.

It might be best for you to concentrate on school supplies for the next school year while trying to comprehend the real purpose of the school swim team.    

Please re-think your mindset.