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Started by LizaLou1, Feb 05, 2004, 02:28:44 PM

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I guy in my office said he was going to unadopt his adult adopted son because he was drug addict and did nothing but cause them grief.

Can he really do that?


Indigo Mom

LizaLou, ask this guy in your office if he'd try to legally disown his biological children if they were in the same "boat" as his adopted child.

I don't know whether you can "unadopt" or not, but common sense says that when you go to THAT length ...to make a child your own, you treat them as such and don't just toss them out cause they're not your "true" child and they're giving you grief.  

This makes me so sad!  I understand the adult "unson" is causing him many problems because of his drug addiction, but man...he needs to be a father, which he already LEGALLY chose to do...and not walk out on this guy.  

That's my 'pinion and I'm stickin' to it.  



He's normally a really nice and level headed guy.  I just think he is at the end of his rope.


Indigo Mom

If he's at the end of his rope, which he more than likely is...then this is NOT the time to be making rash decisions.  Soc replied that you can't "unadopt" a child...but the fact that he's probably letting this adult son of his "know" his intentions could lead him to hanging himself with his own "rope".

Kids kill us.  Mine are 5 and 8 and I've already discovered that my own death will be "emotional murder by offspring"...so he needs to take some time out, relax, and stop talking about unadopting the kid.  

Write him out of the will, block his phone number, do other things parents who are fed up do...but don't let him make such a humongus decision while he's about to let go of that rope he's clinging to.

I can't be certain about drugs, but alcoholics anonymous has a group for families of alcoholics...al anon.  Maybe NA will have something similar?  He should check that out just so he can talk to others who are living the same Hell as he.

Remember....there's many people on death row who've committed heinous crimes, but their parents still love them, they just don't love what they did.