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Father Seeks Assistance

Started by Brent, Dec 09, 2003, 05:04:19 PM

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A circulated message:

In March 2002 Families Need Fathers in the UK was approached by a very mild
man called Kevin. He had been in a relationship with Paula for some 11 years
although they had never married. Paula had always dreamt of going to
America, and for some three months to six months she had spent increasing
amounts of time in internet chat rooms.

On 23 February 2002 Kevin found that Paula and their two children, Amy and
Lewis had disappeared. On 25 February 2002, Kevin discovered a note from
Paula which said amongst other things "hahaha, sorry I have to laugh, how
does it feel dear to be left in the shit.....So dear im gonna leave it there
and say have a nice life cause we are". It was quickly established that
Paula had left with the children to pursue her internet romance in America.

Our charity helped Kevin to take the necessary legal action to obtain
Paula's new address, but the courts and police prevented this. It is not
unusual for such action to be taken here in this country. All that is
required is for a woman to say that she does not want her new address to be
given out. Paula's parents have been less than honest with the courts in
order to obstruct contact by denying that they knew Paula's address whilst
being in constant contact with her.

Kevin then commenced a contact application which was going well under the
guidance of the senior circuit judge in the area. Unfortunately at a
subsequent hearing a different judge decided that the contact application
could not progress for jurisdictional reasons. Kevin has effectively
exhausted his legal remedies in this country.

Kevin is not looking to force the children to return to this country but he
does want contact with them. All official bodies have been unable to help
for a variety of reasons and I am therefore making a plea that our friends
in America help us to find these children because either Paula has misled a
US citizen about Kevin or that US citizen is helping her keep the children
from having contact with Kevin. The matter is made worse in that the young
boy was only 15 months old when he was forcibly taken from this country and
it does seem unfair for him to grow up thinking his father is a US citizen
when he will inevitably discover the truth in his teens and suffer all the
psychological damage of thinking he was neglected by a father who, in truth,
loves him dearly.

The details available are:

Mother:       Paula Lambert d.o.b. 19.1 1972

Children:     Amy Louise Lambert d.o.b. 17.8.1994

           Lewis Archer Lambert d.o.b. 7.11.2000

U S Citizen:  Keith Arthurson - a corrections officer with two children of
his own.

Married Paula Lambert around April 2003.

His uncle has a farm.

Probable location: Southern states or north eastern states.

If anyone has any idea of the whereabouts of these children please, please
let me know. All replies will be treated in the strictest confidence, even
to the point of not telling Kevin who has disclosed the information.

If you feel that there are other lists that may be helpful in finding the
children, please feel free to post this request to them.

Thank you for your time.


John Humphries

Indigo Mom

Where would one send information should they find these people?

I know I did a quick search, and for Paula Lambert, I found an author who likes cheese.  

I also did a Colorado marriage search, but obviously...they're not here.

I would suggest everyone doing a marriage record search for their state, in mine, it's free.  

So, if on the off chance one of us finds them...do we email you?  SPARC?  Post it here?

Also, based on the information given, I think they could narrow it down a bit more.  They seem to know southern or north east states. (how do they know this...any mention from Paula during the time she was with Kevin about WHERE she wanted to live in the states?)  They also know the guy works for DOC, and that his uncle has a farm...they MUST know a bit more?  No?

Also, a quick suggestion you might want to "pass on" to whoever needs it.

IF they can narrow down a state, they can set up a chat room on whatever server they're on titled "DENVER, COLORADO" for example.  Just sit and sit and sit and wait...and eventually, someone will enter and be able to help.  I know it's a long shot, but I know someone who did that.  Took fricken MONTHS, but someone showed up in the exact city "the kidnapper" lived and was able to find out the address and phone number for this person.


>So, if on the off chance one of us finds them...do we email
>you?  SPARC?  Post it here?

I'd say email the person in the post directly.

Indigo Mom

But there's no email in that post.  

Now, I've read the post again, so if you come back telling me there IS an email, but I couldn't see it...boy, I'll feel like a big ol stupidhead!!!!  (don't you DARE go back and modify, either, Mr.)



Hmmm, in that case I'd contact Families Need Fathers in the UK:



The requested info has already been forwarded to Families Need Fathers - UK.

For similar situations that might arrise, try: KnowX.com (all states search), or PeopleData.com (all states search)


Indigo Mom


Other similar cases  involving (alleged) parental kidnapping or abduction: Contact a law enforcement agency with NCIC access (FBI search/data base). Home page: http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fbi/is/ncic.htm