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A link I found to a story Dr Phil is wanting to do!

Started by Stepmom0418, Jul 31, 2004, 11:05:07 AM

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This is an email that I recieved and thought some of you might be interested in this:

Please feel free to pass this onto as many persons/email groups as possible. Also be sure to identify where you are from, i.e., city, state (AND country if you are outside the US). Click on the link below the description to take you to the sign up menu if you are interested. It would be very convincing for Dr. Phil to see that people all over the world are suffering from the same problems - and courts everywhere are making the same mistakes.

For those of you who have never seen the Dr. Phil Show, Dr. Phil is one excellent psychiatrist/psychologist (I'm not sure which, but he's one of these). He doesn't get conned or buy into excuses. He sees through BS. He focuses on the real issues. He hones in on irresponsibility, dishonesty and denial, and spots it immediately. He catches people in their lies and excuses. He doesn't make any bones about telling anyone who perpetrates them what their real agenda is and what they need to do about it.

His show might make a good forum for bringing up parental alienation syndrome.

Patti Diroff

Divorcing? Locked In Bitter Custody Battle ?

The Dr. Phil show is looking for parents involved in a bitter custody dispute. Are you in a daily battle with your ex over your children? Have you been falsely accused of physical or sexual abuse or already lost visitation over a false allegation? Feel like you can?t compete with your spouse?s high priced legal team? Afraid of losing your children forever? If you feel that your children are suffering in your nasty custody battle, you want help from Dr. Phil and ARE ALL WILLING TO APPEAR ON THE SHOW, please email us your story.

The following is the link to submit your story:




Two months ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil regarding the disputes, I think he got a few more from some others on this site.

Perhaps it will bring awareness to this.

I am so happy to see that he IS DOING IT.


I too am a (soon to be) stepmom who loves my stepkids.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for posting the Dr. Phil thing!!!!! I immediatly went on the website and sent an email regarding my bf's Sept. custody trial.  The producer called the next day and they have scheduled the taping.  Opposing counsel asked that it not be aired until after the Sept. 10th custody trial so as to not influence the case. That was expected, even so  this is his saving Grace.  We hope so much that this can turn his case around, but even if it doesn't, we hope that it will help other Fathers who love their children to maintan their parental rights.  The ex is scared(as she should be) maybe the truth will finally be revealed.  She and her lawyer can not resist the temptation to be on national TV, especially DR. PHIL!  
She thinks she lives and breathes by Oprah and Dr. Phil.  I will send updates and let all of you know the date the show will air.  Thank you again and pray for these children.


Kitten, that is great! Your dh was okay with this?  Mine would hate it!  Let us know, and we will watch anxiously!  Rooting you on all the way!  Hugs, nosonew


Two months ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil regarding the disputes, I think he got a few more from some others on this site.

Perhaps it will bring awareness to this.

I am so happy to see that he IS DOING IT.


I too am a (soon to be) stepmom who loves my stepkids.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for posting the Dr. Phil thing!!!!! I immediatly went on the website and sent an email regarding my bf's Sept. custody trial.  The producer called the next day and they have scheduled the taping.  Opposing counsel asked that it not be aired until after the Sept. 10th custody trial so as to not influence the case. That was expected, even so  this is his saving Grace.  We hope so much that this can turn his case around, but even if it doesn't, we hope that it will help other Fathers who love their children to maintan their parental rights.  The ex is scared(as she should be) maybe the truth will finally be revealed.  She and her lawyer can not resist the temptation to be on national TV, especially DR. PHIL!  
She thinks she lives and breathes by Oprah and Dr. Phil.  I will send updates and let all of you know the date the show will air.  Thank you again and pray for these children.


Kitten, that is great! Your dh was okay with this?  Mine would hate it!  Let us know, and we will watch anxiously!  Rooting you on all the way!  Hugs, nosonew


Last December I wrote to the good doctor about the "family in crisis". Most of my e-mail was about the teenage pregnent daughter how he was telling her that she needed to look at adoption as an option for the baby. Also I was not happy about the way they portraited the baby's father in the story line. I also referenced this site in the email.

They called me to appear on the show to debate Dr Phil on my views on the subject of adoption and the treatment of the baby's father. During several conversations with the staff I told them about this site and the work being done here. I do believe they visited and hopefully learned some things. I never did get a chance to appear as they claimed to have changed the "debate dr phil" show to a different format.

I do hope though, giving them access to the plight of dad's in the family court arena made them look at a way to take the show and maybe even mention this site in a broadcast.

The Witch
Remember . . . KARMA is a Wonderful Thing!!!!!


Yes, this is his last hope.  He can be very shy and is VERY nervous about being on TV, he told me today he knows he is going to cry on the air and I reminded him who he is doing this for.  I also reminded him that his ex is going to try to make him look like a monster on national tv and drag his name through the mud.  We think it's worth it. ;)
I just found out today that the bm is feeling ambivalent about going on the show, but her attorney is pushing her to do it.  She knows deep inside that what she is doing is wrong and that the good Dr. will call her on it.  We feel that her attorney is only in it for the recognition.  I also found out today that they want to fly me to the filming too, yikes!!!
The only stipulation is that opposing counsel asked that it not air until AFTER the trial in September.  Which is understandable, even if the trial does not go our way, maybe we can use this to appeal and maybe the show will help other Dads and their kids.  They are going to start filming here this weekend while my bf has his visitation.  They will also film the nice home they live in now and compare it to the shack in the middle of nowhere Alaska that the bm wants to move them to.  We are scared and excited and anxious to see the outcome.  I'll keep you posted!