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Mom, Boyfriend Charged With Drowning Kids

Started by Brent, Dec 10, 2003, 04:23:04 PM

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Thanks!  She doesn't look like I pictured her in my mind.


She will roll over on him.  She will claim to be the "victim" here, stating he forced her to do this.  She will play her roll perfectly, except hopefully no one will believe her, because the kids were in four feet of water and either of them could have gotten in (or at least tried) and saved them.  

I wouldn't drown a dog.  Hell, I hate snakes, I still wouldn't drown one.  To wilfully kill another person is sick and disgusting and if they are found guilty, fry them.  That is, if the inmates don't get to them first.  Even convicts don't like those who harm/kill children.  

Please keep us updated on this story.  


People with your attitude and mentality are the reason those kids are dead in Clinton, Dewitt county, IL.  Just running off at the mouth and never accomplishing or impacting any positive results especially for children while diverting issues to insignificance.

I once received a letter from Clinton IL, Dewitt county...adoption probate.  Upon contacting the head county authority I was told "the letter was just a formality to a parent..we have no obligation to even contact you...you have no say".  Needless to say, that was defeated
pro se from out of state.  Dewitt county was just one of four IL counties I got sucked into..the others required substantial legal expertise.

Here's the thing.  There are 3 fathers, 3 sets of paternal grandparents, 3 sets of paternal extended families.  With the gross endangerment of those children over an extended period of time ... do you think there is any chance that DCF had been contacted numerous times and if so why intervention did not occur ??  Do you think other responsible adults tried to intervene on behalf of those kids ??

How much more death to you need to see from afar before you get serious ???  Recently, I spent a week with family ... 26 year old dead.. 4 children (age 7,7,5,10mos), 1 husband, 2 boyfriends...it's very likely one or more of those children would be dead if it wasn't for extensive intervention by GP's...several years ago the twins were hospitalized in coma's.

SPG..you are shallow...roaming the boards with hoof and mouth disease spewing falsehoods, horrible advice often based on assumptions or your own miserable failures especially with your children.  You don't know Jack Chit and you are a detriment to SPARC and all of mankind.  Why not just read and if you THINK you have something to offer simply post staying on issue.   If I was in the same room with you ... you would quickly come down with the alligator mouth humingbird $ss syndrome.

BTW, not that it matters but I have only one handle OF COURSE and I guarantee you do not know me...no meds ever ..


People with your attitude and mentality are the reason those kids are dead in Clinton, Dewitt county, IL. Just running off at the mouth and never accomplishing or impacting any positive results especially for children while diverting issues to insignificance.

[p]How's Penisland?  Sell any E tickets lately?

[p]How much more death to you need to see from afar before you get serious ??? Recently, I spent a week with family ... 26 year old dead.. 4 children (age 7,7,5,10mos), 1 husband, 2 boyfriends...it's very likely one or more of those children would be dead if it wasn't for extensive intervention by GP's...several years ago the twins were hospitalized in coma's.

[p]What's your point?  We've been seeing tragedies like this for years.  1 husband and 2 boyfriends.  There you go.  If this is your family, you have my sympathy and condolences.  If it isn't, may I suggest proofreading your rants before you submit them.

[p]SPG..you are shallow...roaming the boards with hoof and mouth disease spewing falsehoods, horrible advice often based on assumptions or your own miserable failures especially with your children. You don't know Jack Chit and you are a detriment to SPARC and all of mankind. Why not just read and if you THINK you have something to offer simply post staying on issue. If I was in the same room with you ... you would quickly come down with the alligator mouth humingbird $ss syndrome.
[p]I'm on 2 boards.  SPARC and Freerepublic.  My advice is based on my experiences.  People will take it or leave it, as they wish.  If you don't like it, ignore it.  Very simple.  If I'm a detriment to SPARC, I'm sure the management will send me a polite email telling me so.  If you were in the same room with me, you'd leave rather quickly.  I don't put up with little boys who think they're grown men.  Your misogyny is practically radioactive.

[p]BTW, not that it matters but I have only one handle OF COURSE and I guarantee you do not know me...no meds ever ..

[p]I have a long memory.  I know who you are.



Lots of cool pics of people who won't let him forget!

It's ok Davy. Maybe when you're done weaving baskets for the day, the nice folks at Goodwill will give you an electric blanket.  Just remember to limit fluids before retiring.

In all seriousness, I'm ready to strangle someone, so Davy is really helping me vent.  Thank you Davy.

Indigo Mom

-----do you think there is any chance that DCF had been contacted numerous times and if so why intervention did not occur ?? -----

A big toodoo was happening here when a father beat to hell his 8 week old child named Tanner Dowler.  Both mother and father are in prison right now for his death.  

Social services had been contacted a few times by the paternal grandmother, but no one helped to save that boy.  The letters written to social services were from the fathers mother VERY concerned about her newborn grandson.  

No one gave a damn.  

All I wanna know is...there was a MINIMUM of SEVEN people that could have taken those children.  3 fathers that we know of, those 3 fathers have parents, and her mother.  Seven...it's not as though the 3 kids had the same father and he was a twit who ran away...there were SEVEN "outs" for her.  Yet that sleezeball couple decided to kill rather than find a SAFE way out.  I guess that's what drugs do to a person...hell, as much as I despise monster, never in a million years would i have thought his life would end up like it is right now.  (jobless, homeless again, going from sniffing coke to whatever it is you do with crack)

Come to think of it, I myself have called social services a ton of times, and each time I was told "if the incident didn't JUST happen, there's nothing we can do".  Well, obviously I wasn't seeing my son too often, so of course it hadn't just happened.  After a bunch of unsuccessful attempts to get someone to investigate, I finally said "listen lady, if it just happened, that would mean I F**KING DID IT so why would I be calling you???"

And forgive me...but what's a hole bitch?  A bitch with holes in her?



In Tanner Dowler's case, the grandparents and Tanner depended on social services to provide protection, but the social services system failed once again.

[p]We're from the government and we're here to help you.  One of the three big lies...the other two being, I love you, and the check's in the mail.

[p]Imo, the government isn't in the business of protecting children.  I believe that they are in the business of wrecking families.  Government didn't do diddly squat for me and the kids when we asked for help.  I guess there was nothing in it for them.  

[p]Indigo's Mom, let's look at it this way:  little Tanner and the 3 Hamm children are with God in heaven.  No one will ever hurt them again.  We can balk at sentences that we feel are too light for these kinds of crimes, but we have to remember that they will answer to God eventually.  


and providing complete credibility to the essence of my post.

** What's your point ?  We've been seeing tragedies like this for years.  There you go...sympathy and condolences **
Exactly .. for a number of years and the SAD FACT is YOU LIKE IT so you can spread your BS on boards like SPARC trying to feel important DEMEANING a dead parent or dead children with your smallness by expressing your thoughts and opinions.  HOW SICK !!!  There you go...victory in the abuses  of the low-life piss ant government YOU wanted to serve YOU....and so it has and will continue as such.

**I have a long memory. I know who you are. **
What a head trip.  This is your misguided way to take or assume some sort of power and control IN YOUR OWN MIND while implying I have something to hide or you have something lording over me which is entirely FALSE since I can/will/do stand on my own merits .  YOU DO NOT KNOW ME and if you did it would not matter anyway !!!


Indy...nobody cares.

I think there is A LOT about this case and the people involved that has not been said but the sherriff's comments ie bizarre; nobody will believe may be foretelling.  I hope you noticed that investigation by law enforcement at the highest state level was involved not just the local yocals.  I'm curious as to who got the national media involved and if it was done to combat a cover up ?  Historically, those small IL communities are very corrupt as is the entire IL. state government.



[p]The essence of your post was a bitter rant.  By mentioning dead people in the same breath as you tried to trash me, you belittled their deaths more than I ever could.  Not that I would ever intentionally do that.  I was confused about whether you were talking about your personal family members, or clients.  I did offer sympathy and condolences just in case it was a family situation.  Davy, your opinions matter to me about as much as Bolivia's GNP.  Would you please grow up?

[p]There you go...victory in the abuses of the low-life piss ant government YOU wanted to serve YOU....and so it has and will continue as such.

[p]Writing in Hillary are we?  Actung baby.

[p]Oh I know who you are.  You may look like a grown up, but all you are is a small bitter man, who likes women as much as the rest of us like bubble gum stuck to our shoe on a hot summer day.

[p]Have a nice weekend.