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need opinion

Started by skye, Nov 23, 2004, 08:47:55 AM

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I need an idea about holidays ..if the NCP is not allowed overnights by the courts what is holiday schedule that could be used is there a normal?



I am from Indiana and we have state guidelines, This is what the guidelines state for holidays from Birth-36months (there is no over nights from Birth-18 months of age, unless you can prove you have taken care of an infant.)
I would beleive even if the child was older then 36 months, and you have had regular contact for a while but still have not worked up to over nights the courts would allow the 8-10 hours. It would just depend how much time you have been with the child.

(A)  Birth through Age 4 Months:
        (2) All scheduled holidays of two (2) hours in length.
(B) Age 5 Months through Age 9 Months:
        (2) All scheduled holidays of three (3) hours in length. The child is to be returned at least one (1) hour before evening bedtime.
(A) Age 10 Months through Age 12 Months:
         (2) All scheduled holidays for eight (8) hours. The child is to be returned at least one (1) hour before evening bedtime.
(B) Age 13 Months through Age 18 Months:
         (2) All scheduled holidays for eight (8) hours. The child is to be returned at least (1) hour before evening bedtime.
(C)    Age 19 Months through 36 Months:
          (3) All scheduled holidays for ten (10) hours.  The child is to be returned one hour before bedtime.


maybe I should be more specific, children are 6&10.

Mom has no overnights for abuse conviction issues as well as some other safety issues ...What would be fair to offer for the christmas vacation?


>Mom has no overnights for abuse conviction issues as well as
>some other safety issues ...What would be fair to offer for
>the christmas vacation?

If the parent is convicted of abuse, then my response would be, "Who cares about what's fair!"

Give her whatever time she wants, just as long as it's S U P E R V I S E D !