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Has anyone seen the recent Toys 'R Us commercials?

Started by Kitty C., Nov 05, 2004, 12:42:44 PM

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Kitty C.

The one where the two brothers are anxiously waiting for the new 'catalog' and their sister beats them to it?  They made the boys look like idiots and when the sister shut her bedroom door, there was a sign on it that said 'Girls Rule, Boys Drool'.

And we're just starting into the holiday shopping season, imagine that.....

Time to hammer Toys 'R Us..............
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Good with me, I am in the mood for some letter writing. Did not see the commercial, but have spotted a few others.

True Value has made an effort to have dads and sons in their commercials. I wrote and thanked them. Nice to see some retailers are aware of things.

"Children learn what they live"


I did see it and was as impressed as you apparently are - not!

I guess these companies think that only women have disposable income, huh?


I'm not sure which company it is.  The dad brings home 4 cell phones for his family.  When he gives them to his 2 tween daughters, they are all excited and then when he says "Now we can talk all we want!" , they act let down until the mom comes in and says they can talk to their friends.  They get happy again and run over and hug mom and then the three of them just walk away leaving dad alone with a dumb look on his face.  


I wrote my letter to Toys R Us. Long/short, I guess they don't want my son's Christmas list filled by their stores. Also told them to talk to Dominos Pizza to see how smart their marketing campaign is.

Kitty C.

And it disgusts me as well...........

DH and I were talking about it last night.  I told him that it's obvious that men are fully capable of laughing at themselves and not taking themselves seriously.  And if women were just as capable, we wouldn't even have gotten into this whole 'PC' thing, since it appears that the ONLY ones who get their knickers in a twist about this BS is women, namely the feminists and the blind female sheep they've managed to convince likewise.

Just once, JUST ONCE I'd like to see some nationally known company stand up for itself and either make both Dad and Mom look equal in EVERY commercial they make, or even try to make women look the bumbling fools they so like to portray men as............

Can someone tell me...................is the feminist's movement REALLY that large?????  Or are they just SO loud, they appear that way?????
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


There is one for a cable or internet company that I really like.
It shows little girl and dad watching a tv show about whales. She pauses it and dad is on the computer showing her more info about whales. Then they go to an aquarium and they see real live whales. They are having a blast. We need more like this one.


New Campaign: Protest Verizon's Anti-Father
'Leave Her Alone' Commercial!
November 7, 2004

As many of you know, this evening we declared a new His Side listener campaign, this time targeting Verizon's condescending, anti-father "Leave her Alone!" commercial. As I mentioned on the air, the commercial depicts a bumbling father attempting to help his young daughter with her homework. The daughter clearly believes her father is a fool, and looks to her mother to get him out of her way. The mother is happy to comply, barking at the father to go wash the dog and commanding the father to "leave her alone!" when he is slow to comply with her condescending order.

To view the commercial and join our campaign, click here.

I want all of you to act. The listeners to this show have worked miracles in the past. We drove "Boys are Stupid" products out of 3,500 stores worldwide--95% of their total distribution--earlier this year, and we made headlines around the world doing it.

Last summer over 2,000 of our supporters bombarded Sacramento with calls and letters and we killed SB 730, a bill which would have given custodial mothers the unlimited right to move our children whenever and wherever they want to. Everybody said we would lose that campaign, and everybody was wrong. And last month we helped Michigan fatherhood activists defeat an anti-father billboard campaign in that state.

I call this Verizon ad the "leave her alone" commercial.  I want all of you to write and call Verizon and tell them you want them to withdraw the "Leave her alone" commercial. I want you to bombard them with protests. Be polite, but let them know exactly how you feel. To take action, click here.

The archive of yesterday evening's show, Feminist Law Professor Leads Backlash Against Paternity Fraud Laws, can be found here.

Many of you have asked me how you can help the show expand and progress. One of the ways you can do this is to become a His Side supporter by clicking here. Also, if you own a business or professional practice and are interested in advertising on the show, please contact [email protected]. To support the advertisers who support His Side, go to His Side Advertisers.

As always, all information about the show can be found at HisSide.com. I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
Listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks

Feminist Law Professor Leads Backlash
Against Paternity Fraud Laws

The stories of victims of paternity fraud often provoke disbelief. Many men are falsely assigned paternity in default judgments and are compelled by the state to pay 18 years of child support for children whom DNA tests have proven are not theirs. Many of these men are not properly served notice of the paternity proceedings, never get their day in court and have no idea they are "fathers" until their wages are garnished.

Often by the time these men realize what has been done to them, the statute of limitations for challenging paternity has already passed, and sometimes lose half or more of their take-home pay to child support, arrearages, interest, and penalties -- often to support children they have never even met.

In other cases, men are misled into supporting children who are not theirs. Sometimes unwed men are urged to declare paternity of their girlfriend's or ex-lover's children at or near birth, and such declarations, when later found to be the product of deception, are hard to undo. Other men are deceived by wives who bear children through adulterous liaisons and who mislead them into thinking that the children are theirs.

In response to the paternity fraud crisis, several states, including California, Georgia, Maryland, Alabama and others, have passed paternity fraud legislation. Now paternity fraud activists' success has created a backlash.

Law Professor Melanie Jacobs has emerged as a leading voice in the backlash against paternity fraud laws. Family law attorney Jeffery Leving has authored legislation to make paternity fraud a criminal offense. Jacobs and Leving debated paternity fraud laws and their philosophical underpinnings on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, November 7. To listen to the archive of the show, click here.

To learn more about paternity fraud and paternity fraud laws, see:

Michigan State University-DCL College of Law Professor Melanie Jacobs' The Case Against Paternity Fraud Laws  (Amicus Online, Winter 2003-2004). The article was written in opposition to Michigan paternity fraud legislation.

Glenn's column Michigan Reform Plan Fights Rising Paternity Fraud (Detroit News, 9/25/02) (co-authored by shared parenting advocate Dianna Thompson). The article was written in support of Michigan paternity fraud legislation.

His Side: Appeal Court to LA County: 'We Won't Sully our Hands' Enforcing False Paternity Judgments (8/8/04)

His Side: Servicemen, Veterans Fight Paternity Fraud (11/2/03)  

Glenn's column Preserving Paternity Fraud (Orange County Register, 10/3/02) (co-authored by shared parenting advocate Dianna Thompson).

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST. To listen live via the Internet from anywhere in the world, go to Listen Live. Both radio and Internet listeners are encouraged to call and participate in the show live and on the air at 1-877-590-KTIE (in California) or 1-800-439-4805 (out of state). All callers will be mailed a free CD of the show in which they appeared at their request.

"Children learn what they live"


Jiff Peanut Butter is the only commercial that comes to the top of my head as being good with their "Choosey Moms and Dads choose Jiff" slogan.


Levis commercials The 505 where the guy is carrying daisies through city neighborhood in his boxers, and he "contritely gives his angry girlfriend the flowers. She lets him in and goes to put the flowers in water. He then climbs partially out the window retrieves his 505's from a tree and puts them on then sneaks out the front door... wherein she finding him gone throw s the vase of flowers at him while he walks away happily.

Makes me think he got the better end of that deal.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.