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Messages - justthesitter

Child Support Issues / RE: child support
Oct 06, 2006, 04:30:36 AM
 Just to let you know what is happening now.  CS started off the meeting by telling my brother he had no grounds for wanting a hearing on the numbers computed by CS.  They went on to tell him CS is the first thing taken out of his check.  It wasn't their fault he filed bankruptcy.  He told them he would not  work for nothing, which is what it is coming down too.  They told him his only option would be to have his bankruptcy re-structured.  That will cost around 300 dollars and also his home.  The only good news is that he had mentioned her earning potential is higher than minimum wage.  He mentioned the job she had as a case worker for $10 an hour at one point, then at a juvenile detention center for girls for about the same.  They told him not to expect much change though.  This is so ridiculous it is insane!!!  You have to loose everything to support your children while BM/CP has more and more children and works or does nothing.  It's like they are punishing the NCP for her being pregnant again!  If you have any thoughts,  I'd like to hear them!  

Thanks for letting me rant and rave!


P.S.  He has 15 days to appeal again, this was not handled in a court room with judge, just a case worker in a room.
Child Support Issues / RE: child support
Jul 14, 2006, 05:15:49 AM
Well as I understand it, she is pregnant with her 4th child.  She told my brother that she did not instigate this last reveiw (right!) all she was doing was asking questions and the child support was having it reviewed.  
     Just to let you know he went to see a lawyer and they said something about deviation.  Ever heard of that?  He is paying off bankruptcy at a tune of 360.oo a WEEK, child support is set at this time at 107.oo a week.  He can handle this but JUST barely!  He comes home with about 100.oo or less a week.  Don't get me wrong, he wants to pay child support, he has some arrearages, he hasn't seen a tax return since I don't know when, and has another family.  If they make him pay 193.oo like they want a week, he will be working to pay child support only.  That will put him on the streets with his current family.  I hope that this lawyer can help him.  
     Where in Ohio are you located?  We are near Mansfield.  

Thanks for everything!!!!
Child Support Issues / child support
Jul 06, 2006, 05:02:45 PM
   I am a member here but haven't had to use the site for some time now.  Well, I am back!
   My brother has just been handed down another order for his child support to go up.  We are in Ohio.  He only makes $15 dollars an hr.   He is about $600 in arrears.  His monthly was 467.30, it is now 635.02 plus $127 for arrears.  He can hardly buy food for his self, let alone spend any sufficient time with his daughters for working so much over time now.  He has filed bankruptcy and that is already taken out of his check, plus the child support.  He has 14 days to contest this order.  Does anyone have any advice you can give us,  he is contesting this order, but not sure how far it will get him without legal counsel.
                          Thanks   Lorie   (justthesitter)
Custody Issues / RE: Also...
Oct 19, 2005, 04:11:55 PM
This is just a side job for me, but I am attached to the child.  I have no paperwork on my side to inforce something like that.  And, yes it would cause a scene.  I have nothing saying in writing, legally that I should do the things you describe.
    I am like the middle man in all of this.  I am scared something WILL happen.  I would feel terrible if it did.   He does know she comes here like that. I have called and told him so.   Since all of this has happened I don't have to have much contact with her anymore.  
    She has pointed out many, many, many times to me  "I appreciate everything you have done for Kayla and I but, I am her mother".  Boy, does that burn my butt!!  You don't know how many times I have wanted to say, " Then why don't you act like one".  
     So, that is why I am asking for all the advice and anything else I can get.  I just don't know why she cannot see what she is doing to herself or her child, but that is how she lost her son too!
           Thanks for all the advise I really appreciate it!!!!
    Thanks for the response.  She is wanting him to pay for her attorney and the guardian ed lidem (sp?)  He has court papers that say she shall not drink or be drinking when she has the little girl.  She had just spent the night at his home, drunk when she got there, last Thursday.  We found out today she put this into motion on 9-28-05.  She has also been to my home to pick the little girl up, with alcohol on her breath.  
     We can't imagine why an attorney would take her money and re-open the case telling her she has a very good chance of winning.  The only circumstance that has changed is he kicked her out of the home after being there a year.
   How is he supposed to prove she is drinking again to the courts or whoever?  
Hi, my name is Lorie.  I have used this site in the past for my brother.  Now I am searching for a friend whose baby girl I babysit for.
   I have had this little girl for about a year and a half.  She has become a very important part of our family.  She is 2 yrs. old now.
   Her father and mother are divorced.  The father has full custody.  The mother is a heavy drinker, has visitation.  Father gives mother anytime visits whenever she likes.
   They(Mother and Father) moved in together for about a year.  Mother was hiding her drinking, when confronted, she didn't really care and did it blatently(Sp?) in front of child and Husband and other son (which by the way, she doesn't have custody of either,for the same reason).
   The point is she is taking ex-husband back to court for full custody and wants him to pay for all expenses.  He received his papers this morning from the sheriff.
   What are the chances she will win this?  And what re-course should the custodial father take at this time?