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Topics - baltimore_father

General Issues / Marriage from Hell...
Nov 17, 2014, 02:54:23 PM
I've posted several posts on this site.... I married a doozey!  Trying to get her to agree to a seperation agreement is proving to be impossible.  Anyway, he's on the mortgage and the car and I would LOVE to give her both but...... he has HORRIBLE credit.  What options do I have if I get someone to buy the home and he refuses to sign?
Custody Issues / Custody
Sep 25, 2014, 04:15:10 PM
Wife plans of leaving home with my 3 year old son... Told me she plans on having him witgh her most of the time.  In my state (MD) we have to be seperated 1 year prior to filing for divorce.  How do I go about seeing my son equally (which I think I'm entitled to) prior to filing for divorce?  I have no record that would prevent me from seeing my son and if I may say, I'm a damn good father.  What can I do to see my son if my wife decides to take my son from our home, especially given the circumstances that in my state of MD, we have to living seperately for at least 1 year prior to filing for divorce?  Thanks in advance for your help.
General Issues / Adultery
Aug 06, 2014, 05:00:57 PM
Discovered an explicit text my wife sent to a co-worker.  When confronted, she admitted to fellatio and nothing further stating "it's not cheating if there is no intercourse." Lucky me, huh?  What a gal!  Anyway, her cell phone (the ones that I discovered the texts on) is under my name.  Can I use the texts as evidence to prove adultery?  As you can imagine, I just want to get out before I do something stupid.  Any advice?
Getting a divorce soon. Currently live in Baltimore City. Wife is from out of country (Canada) and I'm from NJ. We have a 2 year old. She will try and throw the kitchen sink at me. Need SOLID legal advice. Want fair and equal treatment. Need people who have gone thru similiar situation to please provide ATTORNEY suggestions.....
found out the wife's going to file for divorce and hit me with the kitchen sink. Would like to have a reputable, honest and hard working representative in my corner for the proceedings. Anyone have any suggestions?
General Issues / Last legs of marriage...
Feb 18, 2013, 12:20:43 PM
My wife desperately wants a divorce, but is afraid to go to the process (losing the car, house, effects on our child, etc...). She's recently categorized our marriage as "abusive," to which I'v objected. I've placed my hands on her one time in the past (squeezed her neck) and she calls our marriage "abusive" because of it. Police were not involved. I'm afraid if she does file divorce, she would try and categorize our marriage as "abusive." Is she right?
General Issues / Man gaining full custody...
Feb 02, 2013, 08:53:25 AM
Mentally preparing myself for my first divorce. We have a 23 month old and I'm thinking about fighting for custody. We currently reside in Baltimore, MD. Does anyone know how easy, or hard it is for a hard working father to win full custody. To be fair, my wife is a good mother. Her problems are mainly financial (bad credit in 2 countries) and psychological (adult ADD). Any advice?
Custody Issues / Desperately needing advice...
Jan 22, 2013, 06:19:34 PM
Hello all, 
As you can tell by my subject heading, I am in need of advice. I'm currently in a marriage that will soon end in divorce. My wife is a Canadian, we currently live in Baltimore USA and have a 2 year old together. My wife drops not so subtle hints about filing and "taking my son away from me." I have seen the marriage slowly fail and am realistic to this inevitable outcome. My wife has a good and secure job in Baltimore, but very little else. Her credit was bad in Canada before she left to move stateside and she applied, received and propmtly ruined her credit here in the states. She has zero money saved and I fear she has no other chioce but to move to her mother's home in Canada. I believe that she wants our son to have an active relationship with her father, but obviously that will be difficult is she moves back home. I have entertained the thought of fighting for custody, but the only bullets I have are her bad credit (US and Canada) and her erratic behavior for which she's seeing a psycharist and taking medication (my wife is diagnosed with ADD). I have found out that she has joined an online dating network and Im starting to wonder if I should start "building my case" to try and win physical/legal custody. I feel like I have no chance, no matter what I do and/or prove. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.