Send the letter if he wants ahead of time, but to help ease into things he should make his presence known from the get-go. Keep it easy for the school and teachers to be able to get to know him/you. Be proactive with things. If you haven't heard from the teacher in a couple of weeks, give her the benefit of the doubt that she is swamped and give her a call. Provide self-addressed stamped envelopes. Email is WONDERFUL!!!! and was an absolute god-send for us when we had to communicate with my SD's teachers before we got custody - it works very well now with custody of her too by the way (high school teachers are extremely difficult to catch up with!!!). As often as possible, stop in to your SD's school - can he take her to school on Mondays or pick her up from school on Fridays? If that is a possibility, let the teacher know when this will happen and schedule for 10 minutes to catchup with what is going on. Even checking in with the principal and/or secretary helps.
dsm - 34
DH - 38
SD - 15
LO - 9
BB - 2
2 Cheap Entertainment cats - Snoop & Dagger - 5 years and counting.....
dsm - 34
DH - 38
SD - 15
LO - 9
BB - 2
2 Cheap Entertainment cats - Snoop & Dagger - 5 years and counting.....