Because I'm apsychiatric nurse, have been for 25 years, and know a few technical hthings about how polygraphs work. Why do you think they aren't admissible in court?
Very few people can be lying and not be found out. Sociopaths for instance. Let's say ted bundy killed a woman but lied adn said he didn't. Maybe he could pass the test if he din't feel what he did was wrong or was really good at controlling physiological signs of stress- think someone really into yoga. But if he didn't actaully kill her and was worried thinking he was gonna go to the chair for somehting he didn't do- reasonable, right? He could fail the test because of his physiological signs of stress.
The machine only measures one's physiological signs. Yes, they change when lying- if lying is stressful. But its the stress that causes the reaction. And I can only imagine how stressed her fiance was- he'smilitary- can you say "Jail time, end of career, megan's law website, never any security clearances...."? If one was a sociaopath and lying wasn't stressful then one would pass the test- even when guilty.
I knwo polygraphs are really dramatic- but understand the test. I know you from this site and I know that you saw Soc advise taking one if you were accused of abuse. But the valaue of the test was only IF you passed adn then the other party REFUSED to take cone. The really clincher is the refusal of the other party to take the test.
Very few people can be lying and not be found out. Sociopaths for instance. Let's say ted bundy killed a woman but lied adn said he didn't. Maybe he could pass the test if he din't feel what he did was wrong or was really good at controlling physiological signs of stress- think someone really into yoga. But if he didn't actaully kill her and was worried thinking he was gonna go to the chair for somehting he didn't do- reasonable, right? He could fail the test because of his physiological signs of stress.
The machine only measures one's physiological signs. Yes, they change when lying- if lying is stressful. But its the stress that causes the reaction. And I can only imagine how stressed her fiance was- he'smilitary- can you say "Jail time, end of career, megan's law website, never any security clearances...."? If one was a sociaopath and lying wasn't stressful then one would pass the test- even when guilty.
I knwo polygraphs are really dramatic- but understand the test. I know you from this site and I know that you saw Soc advise taking one if you were accused of abuse. But the valaue of the test was only IF you passed adn then the other party REFUSED to take cone. The really clincher is the refusal of the other party to take the test.