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Moms Without Custody / Hurt Strong Falsely Accused Mo...
Last post by JazzyBoo28 - Mar 19, 2019, 08:40:48 AM
I am a strong hurt and lost mother who's babies was taken without legal and proper investigation. Placed charges on me that was later dropped and dismissed 5 years later. Accused me of drug use which I came back clean took an old drug result from a previous miscarriage and placed the paperwork on my live baby. State had no evediance nor substantial facts to prove nor did they undergo a proper investigation. Took me to court 2 years later of being on my case. I had been in foster care from 2 until I was 18 when then I signed myself out. Got pregnant at 19 had my first born at 20. They jumped in my life when my son was 10mo old and didn't come to agreement with taking me to court until he was 2 years old. They left him with a stranger whom was not a foster parent nor relative. So much emotional distress and hurt with confusion. I've been attending and seeking mental health services and treatment since 1997 until today. I currently has custody of my 3rd baby and has since been arrested in 2018 for child neglect for the charge in 2013 which they let me out on bond and they dropped and dismissed all charges due to state not being able to provide reasonable doubt which I have ALL PAPERWORK and DOCUMENTS needed. I need my babies back and I've been searching for help and advice and assistance for years now. Is there anything I can do.
Chit Chat / Need Help Regarding an Ancient...
Last post by nicollemaree - Mar 15, 2019, 03:11:07 PM
Hi!  I've looked around for help on this but can't find it anywhere.

There's a very old post on here that I would like to inquire about, is there a moderator or someone that can help me?
Thanks in advance!
Father's Issues / Re: Legal shared custody being...
Last post by Justabovewater - Feb 26, 2019, 07:52:17 AM
I live in Kansas, Not California so I can only Give you what I experienced in Kansas. I was in the same situation, I was in court trying to get custody of my Children. The final Decision was they looked at who was the caregiver, Finances really had nothing to do with it. Since I was the one that worked and made the money to support the Family, She was the one that stayed home and took care of them, She was given Primary Custody. Afterwards she found Numerous Boyfriends, Moved the Children often and was not concerned about their education, I went back and received Custody. More Courts are starting to give Custody rights to Fathers then before. Hope this helps.   
Father's Issues / Re: Legal shared custody being...
Last post by skriti659 - Feb 22, 2019, 11:53:29 PM
Yes, the court always considers the best interests of the children when creating parental responsibility arrangements. I think he'll be more in favour of your wife.
Father's Issues / Re: Dad with 2 sons in home st...
Last post by Minienduro60 - Feb 16, 2019, 02:10:14 PM
Thank you for your response. My wife is in Nashville TN area. I am outside Chicago il.
Father's Issues / Re: Legal shared custody being...
Last post by ocean - Feb 16, 2019, 10:58:04 AM
Why is this an issue now? How old is child? About picking schools?
Father's Issues / Legal shared custody being ask...
Last post by alexmat1 - Feb 16, 2019, 07:58:14 AM
I share legal custody of my son with my ex wife. She has primary physical custody and I have him on weekends. I have more time with him as per order but I only exercise weekends given the logistics etc.
We both have to discuss and confer on all education health issues etc. she is now asking the courts to let her have final say. We live in California that promotes shared custody but I have seen courts give dole or final deciding rights to wives.
What are my chances. She has better stability like a house better finances etc. can that influence the judge to give her the deciding power ?

Custody Issues / Re: Is this a Material Change ...
Last post by ocean - Feb 15, 2019, 07:50:24 AM
Def go see a lawyer near you , you can even pull that mom is trying to child support shop to a state that is to 21. You may have a change to get it dismissed in NY. Do you have a court date in NY? What county?
Like you said this will def be dragged out passed May but usually orders go by date of filing. Will son even graduate on time with her if he was failing by you? Call the new school and get on parent portal if they have it and can track attendance/grades.
Custody Issues / Re: Is this a Material Change ...
Last post by Justabovewater - Feb 14, 2019, 11:21:48 AM
Im in Kansas so 18 is the Legal age to become an adult. The Custody order says after Graduation is when child support is suppose to cease. She is also trying to get the Child Support ordered changes. He graduates in May, It will be well after that before we can get a court date. The child support is very little so I dont have a problem with letting her keep that. 

The 13 Year old is doing great is school, She does not want to go live with her mom because of friends in school and so forth. The children are very close so this may be enough to change her mind, and Mother has been putting stuff in her head as well.
Custody Issues / Re: Is this a Material Change ...
Last post by ocean - Feb 14, 2019, 11:14:59 AM
What is your state say about child support ages? NY is to 21 so he mom could ask for child support for him (but you have the other child so....depending on salaries can negate child support). If you are in state that is 18, I agree with you , try to dismiss the case as son is now emancipated due to his age (but some states say 18 or graduate high school). Is he is school at mom's?  The 13 year old is in school and adjusted so as long as 13 doesn't start asking to go live with mom it should be fine. Around 13 is when judges MAY ask for their opinion. Does 13 yr old want to go with mom?