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My ex has a live in boyfriend/girlfriend who is helping out with expenses. Can I get my support lowered because of this?

My ex has a live in boyfriend/girlfriend who is helping out with expenses. Can I get my support lowered because of this?

In a word, no. The court will not count the income of a boyfriend/girlfriend who is living with your ex.

My ex is asking for alimony. What are the chances it'll be awarded?

My ex is asking for alimony. What are the chances it'll be awarded?

Alimony usually requires a 'long-term' marriage and that one spouse have given up employment opportunities in favor of supporting the marriage, like raising children or caring for the other spouse. If your marriage lasted less than 10 years, alimony is unlikely to be awarded. The likelihood of an alimony award also drops if your spouse was employed at any time during the marriage.

Can clothing costs be considered as Child Support? My ex owed $250.00 on back support and he/she spent $250.00 on clothing for the kids instead of giving me the money.

Can clothing costs be considered as Child Support? My ex owed $250.00 on back support and he/she spent $250.00 on clothing for the kids instead of giving me the money.

Generally no, substituting clothing or other material goods for the support payment isn't considered by the courts to be 'satisfying the support obligation'. It is helping to support the children, though. Frankly, we wouldn't press the issue in a situation like this unless it was really necessary. Having your ex help out with the children's clothing promotes more involvement of them in the kid's lives, and we generally support that and think it's a good thing.

Is there a minimum child support amount in my State that my ex should have to pay, whether or not they're working?

Is there a minimum child support amount in my State that my ex should have to pay, whether or not they're working?

Even if not working and receiving no income, your ex has a responsibility to help support the children. Family and Domestic courts will recognize this and set a minimum figure for support. The methods used to arrive at that figure vary, but it is often done by the judge imputing a monthly income to your ex and then basing the child support on that figure.

During my divorce, a child support amount was set. Later, I moved out of State. My ex wants more money now. Can the Child Support Office cross State lines and make me pay more?

During my divorce, a child support amount was set. Later, I moved out of State. My ex wants more money now. Can the Child Support Office cross State lines and make me pay more?

Yes, a child support order may be enforced without regard to what State you currently reside in. The child support amount is typically calculated using your income and the support guidelines from the State the children reside in.

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