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Clandestine Panel of "Expert-Witnesses"?

Started by FL_48603, Mar 06, 2006, 04:34:35 PM

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Thanks to everyone who has assisted in my case by offering advice on these boards and off - I prevailed in my case and now have 50/50 custody (after 5 long years of struggling to get out from under a rigged case).

Simply put, I should have had 50/50 custody at the very onset of the split - but because of my opposition's abuse of authority as officer of the court, and the biological mother's insidious lies - I have had to fight 5 years - somtimes In Pro Per, to get this far.

But my kid needs me and was never going to be anything to BM besides a social services meal ticket - so I never gave up despite the fact that it's been a long hard thankless hill to climb.

My ex-wife and her lawyer (also her dad and my ex-father-in-law) were trying to punish me for motioning the courts (how dare I protect my child from neglect and abuse - AND - enforce my rights as a father) by asking for modification of child support.

While I got the 50/50 I was after - they did modify child support for mom - THEY SHAVED 2/3 OFF HER SUPPORT!

Following the 'fire-side' advice I received on the sly from several of my opponent's rival lawyers in town - I got a Certified Family Law Specialist from out of town who also modified the order so there is no longer a CUSTODIAL and NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT and no VISITATION.

Now we are PARENT and OTHER PARENT and we have TIME-SHARE with the child.

I probably could have gotten SOLE custody - were it not for the fact that the BM and her dad/lawyer kept threatening to bring in a panel of expert whitnesses which they stated would support allegations.

Additionally, they said that they were in posession of emails sent from me to the child's school and that these would somehow be damning to my case.

Never mind that fact that I am on the PTA, teach a class at the child's school and have confirmed with the clergy, principle, teachers, and parents of students from this school all encouraging my involvement and participation in my daughter's environment - somehow the BM has been able to gether up emails and keeps a clandestine "panel" of ringers waiting to chime in about whatever they have to crucify me with.

Obviously it is harmful to the child to have the BM constantly stalking me and trying to manipulate ANY of my parenting measures against me as somehow representing an attack on her.

What can I do to protect myself?  How can the BM enter into court data when the only relevance it has to custody is to demonstrate how much the BM hates my fathering my kid?

Thnaks again and keep them cards and letters coming!