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Cedar Rapids, Iowa Meeting!

Started by Hawkeye, Nov 20, 2006, 10:44:08 AM

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Please see the Iowa Board for details or visit //www.iowafathers.com for more! ! Help spread the word!

Kitty C.

Thanks, Hawkeye!  I would really like to make it...I'll have to wait and see how this weekend goes first.  I will MOST definitely tune into the KWWL segment......sounds like it will be a good one!

Long time, no talk to, Bro!  How ya been?  I'm still pluggin' along at the COD, but still trying to get back to UIHC...eventually.  My e-mail hasn't changed at work, but I have a new one at home.  E-mail me and I'll get it to you.  Hope the little buddy is doing well, too!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Keep the pressure up, hoping Dr. Klein wins Iowa, I think I read somewhere that you have a new GOV, I liked the other one better. More Father friendly.

By the way, you probably missed my post, OUR SON WON, I got a true shared parenting order. EVERYTHING EQUAL. That was my goal starting out, so this is ALL GOOD.....

"Children learn what they live"


Yup, I missed it, haven't been on SPARC in a while. CONGRATULATIONS!

Those who view "fathers rights" issues from the outside paint us as "angry" and demanding full custody. What a crock. What we want is EQUALITY, as described in the constitution.

I'm finding out that the federal governement reimburses states and counties to run child support collection agencies. Where do they get that money? From the money we pay our ex's in child support.

As for Iowa's new governor, Chet Culver, I actually babysat him when he was 2 years old and have the 8mm movies as proof. Unfortunately, my correspondence to Chet and his staff durring the campaign fell on deaf ears. BTW, Chet's parents, John and Ann Culver are divorced. One would think it would be an issue close to Chet's heart, but I'm beginning to think he doesn't have one.

I've been working closely with Dr. Mark Klein's campaign manager here in eastern Iowa, because the good Doc 'just makes sense'. If we mobilize the 25 million, non-custodial parents in this country, we can and will "put a grownup in the White House" in 2008.

Kitty C.

I will admit that putting Culver in office set our issues on the backburner, but can you imagine what would have happened if Nussle would have won???  I've a mind to write to Vilsack and ask him to remind Culver what's important...our children, our FUTURE.  Considering Vilsack came from an orphanage in PA, he obviously knew.  I think maybe we need to inundate Culver with letters 'reminding' him of the pain children go thru with divorce and custody disputes.

I still hate settling for the lesser of two evils..........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


I agree, Kitty... it's my hope that Chet will listen to us, (so far he hasn't) and well placed sources tell me that since Chet put Bonnie Campbell in charge of staffing, they are considering doing away with joint custody altogether. Big-time GRRRRRR! If that happens, I'll be first in line, physically laying down in the driveway of Terrace Hill. (The Gov's mansion)

An unrelated footnote; I'm documenting (on video) city workers that abuse their priveleges,such as using city trucks to stop at tobacco shops to buy pull-tab lottery tickets and stop at their home to get cough drops, claiming they are sick. If they're that sick, then what are they doing out "working" ?

Dr. Mark Klein for President! Let's put a grownup in the White House!



So, you babysat the Gov, hope you spanked him when you had the chance. From what I am reading, things could be better, he seems to be influenced easily. That Cambell woman will be a problem. MG (I think you know who I mean, he has fought for Iowa NC's for a long time) sent a story on her, she appears, I am getting the impression, to be a radical feminist. And if memory serves me, she fully intends to keep anything EQUAL, out of the equasion. Joint parenting was mentioned and she strongly disagrees. NOT GOOD.

Dr. Mark is making headway, he has my full support. Gaining ground inch by inch. Not only mobilize the NCP's, getting the word to grandparents and other family members. Considering each NCP has two or three family members who also feel the same way about change, now that is some numbers. I see he is also there for the middle class, that may be what breaks the camels back....

Any word on straw polls? I saw Iowa pulled him off, that was naughty....
Could they have reason to be concerned?


Keep me posted if things start to go sour. Letters from all over the country might help open his eyes. Being new in office, you would think he would consult Vilsack from time to time. I read where Vilsack might also be looking at going to the White House.

You and Hawkeye have more insight to Iowa, just give a heads up....
"Children learn what they live"


Thanks for the link ! Staff is reviewing it, as I type this.

Dr. Mark Klein IS making headway in Iowa. Just tonight, we attended a terrific meeting tonight in Waterloo of //www.iowafathers.com folks. Both Moms and Dads attended and they got some amazing media attention recently on KWWL, (NBC) in Waterloo/Cedar Rapids. See //www.iowafathers.com for videos and loads of great info. It's MUST SEE-TV!

The straw poll you probably saw was on The Real Sporer's weblog. http://therealsporer.blogspot.com/ You might have to dig around a bit (in the comments to posts) to see the banter, but Ted Sporer is the GOP State Chair and like all the Dem candidates, the last time around, just must be having trouble keeping track of them all.

Bottom line is... parenting is not and should not be a partisan issue. I don't care how many times I have to change party affiliation, even though I'm a local election official, that stuff just doesn't matter.

And a footnote to all non-custodial parents: NOW is YOUR chance to educate yourself and your relatives, friends and neighbors that Children Need Both Parents and Dr. Klein is on our side!

Oh, and a footnote to the fantastic admins at SPARC, I shared the link and various downloads with the folks tonight. WooHoo!!!

Kitty C, if I have to drive down and pick you up, you're in for free pizza, at the very least. We gotta talk again, ASAP! A very interesting case is in the works with another Am-family case here.


Wow, what a turnout, probably 30+ people, off and on, came over the course of the evening! A rousing sucessfull kick-off for Cedar Rapids, Iowa NCP's! A State Senator (elect) attended and boy-oh-boy, did we ever open his eyes and ears!

Dr. Klein's campaign manger, Tony Taylor was there, and filled everyone in on his Dad's group in Pennsylvania, among other topics.Go to //www.equalcustody.com for contact info.

I videotaped much of the evening, so we've got material headed to the edit bay, and soon to a TV near you!

A pebble hit the pond last night... enjoy the ripples! We're just warming up! More info @ //www.iowafathers.com