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Started by Qwkprlspnr, May 09, 2007, 02:27:06 PM

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I have waited long enough I suppose. I'm not much of a forum poster, but here goes. My son who was born out of wedlock has been in the state of Connecticut for 8mos.. He was taken there by my Ex GF without my knowledge under cover of night in the beginning of Oct. 06. He was 4 months old. In August of that same year I hired an attorney because I knew that it was going to be a struggle to have a relationship with my son. I could clearly see it coming.I had no idea she would leave the state we lived in(FLA). From the time she was pregnant it was a hard road, but I managed to hang on as long as I could. I can give specifics as to why it was so difficult if anyone would like to know. It's a very long list. I had to bring police officers to the house just to see him and gather some of my belongings and was told by officers that I didnt have to leave,but it would be in my best interest. Needless to say this has been the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, not to mention my 12 yr. old daughter's as well since she hasnt been able to develop a relationship with her brother as of yet. My newest dillema is the reason I am here. I have read all of your posts everyday until my eyes bleed and I have learned quite much. Many thanks to all of you. Anyway, she(Ex GF) is planning a visit here in FL at the end of May. The last week. My Atty has made a mediation appointment for the friday before she is to leave. I begged to have the appt. made for the friday when she arrives but according to my atty this isnt possible. She has no intentions of letting me see my son for more than 2 hrs at a time and has made it clear that her itenerary(SIC) doesnt include any quality time with my family to interact and bond with our son. Grandmothers,Great Grandmothers,sister,cousins,aunts and uncles are of no concern to her,not to mention myself,his father. Are there any types of emergency visitation that I can make happen and enforce  before she arrives? My atty seems thwarted. After 8 months with no custody/visitation/child support order in place ,I am just a little desperate obviously. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This woman(EX GF) has dragged this situation out until it feels like an eternity has passed since I have seen my son. I have been patient with my atty but nearing the end of my rope. Thank you for reading this......JK in FLA


No, you cannot get a temporary order merely because she won't let you see your child.  Your lawyer needs to file paperwork to establish paternity and then to establish child support and visitation.  If your attorney hasn't been able to get an order established in 8 months then you need to fire the attorney and hire one that can get it done!


Paternity has been established, unfortunately no judge has seen proof of this yet. Any advice as to what will happen at the mediators appointment? What can I do to get the best possible outcome? Child support enforcement has been advised that  this is a civil case and is getting established through mediation, also the fact that I do give her support which she hasnt denied. Why do some mothers do things like this? I know from research that I dont have alot to stand on right now, I am just hoping that things will change in the future. This has been devastating. Painful beyond all things imaginable.


Beautiful dog by the way sherry1. APBT?


Your paying her CS (child support) without a court order in place might be viewed as a judge as a gift.  There is a slight possibility they might go back to the birth of the child and award her back support.  Since you were not married, I believe she was within the bounds of the law by moving.  And you would have had a short window to try to block that move anyway, and now it has been too long.

Is the mediation court ordered or is it by hers and yoru choice?

For mediation, you should attempt to get as much time with your child as possible.  If this is not court ordered mediation, and if you don't like what she is saying, then put it off for court and let a judge decide.  However, if you end up going to court it can get very costly.  After a court order is put in place and if she starts denying court ordered visits then you can take her back to court for contempt.  You need to start a journal right now and document everything she says and the dates she says it.  You need to document any written correspondence, phone calls, etc.

My dog is a female, her name is "Chopper".  She is a pit bull/Vizsla cross.  Her face and head are 100% pitbull but her body is that of a Vizsla.  Her body is extremely lean and she is also tall.  She weighs about 55 pounds.  She thinks she is a little dog because she is always trying to climb up in our laps!

[img src=http://www.deltabravo.net/dc/pics/Chopper.jpg]



Thank you for the input. Its basically what I have come to expect at this point. Not sure if the mediation is court ordered or her choice. I would hope to be informed by my lawyer on this, but havent been as of yet. What I have been told is NOT to talk to her about any proceedings, only ask about our son and thats it. I have been keeping a journal including phone records of unanswered calls, all reciepts for money orders, pics and reciepts for b-day and x-mas gifts. The one thing she keeps insisting on is wanting me to "sign off" on a schedule for while she is here the last week of may. I have told my atty this on the 27th of april and gave him a response to her proposed schedule. One that I felt comfortable with, but it seems I have no say in the scheduling of this visit. I'll take what I can get at this point. 5 minutes, 2 hours whatever until I get some court orders for visitation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        My dog looks quite similiar, except that he's All APBT and spoiled rotten, thinks he's a lap dog as well at close to 90lb.s though. I have never heard of a Vizsla before. I'll have to check them out.


her choice, or your attorney may have filed paperwork and they were ordered to mediation.  My son and his ex GF were ordered to mediation.  At this point, you should get as much visitation as possible by agreement.  Take a look at her schedule and go from there.  If you can get her to sign off on anything at this point it is more then what you have.  Once visitation has been established you could always ask for more down the road.  It sounds like you are already on the right track by having a journal established.  

I knew my dog was not full pit bull, but was unsure of what she was mixed with.  A lady that lives in our townhouse community that is extremely knowledgeable about dogs told me she definitely had Vizsla in her.  Vizsla's are not very popular in the US.  I actually saw a Vizsla at the vets office and knew immediately that Chopper had Vizsla in her.  She has the agility of a Vizsla also.  At the dog park, she is always in front of the pack running!


I talked to the Ex last night to inquire about adding my son to my insurance offered by my job. Open enrollment is in 2 days. She declined having my employer cover him, stating that " He has insurance through the State of Connecticut", along with numerous other expletives. Is this considered welfare? And why should she not want me to have insurance on him? Another form of alienation possibly? She simply doesnt want me involved in any area of his life. I also inquired about the visitation again and was told ,"He will not be left alone with you and there will be no overnights", " You are a drug addict and alcoholic!" I really cant wait to see how she plans on proving these statements to a judge.Apparently she is going to use these against me at the advice of her attorney. Its going to get ugly I'm sure. I have prepared several statements that I would like to fax the judge that is residing over my case. Is this a good idea or not? I am desperate and feel like my attorney has abandoned this case until the mediation comes on the 1st of June. Should I get the insurance anyway in case I do end up with custody? Sounds like a stupid question, obviously better safe than sorry. Or will they require extra CS to cover the existing insurance that he is on? So many questions my atty should be answering. Thanx 4 anything u might know   JK in FLA


more insurance IMHO is better.

And yes, by having insurance, you would know which doctors and dentists your child uses.

IF she uses the insurance....

"State of Anything" medical insurance unless it's through her employer raises flags to me.


you need to document your discussion with her and that she doesn't want you to cover him on your insurance.  Cover him anyway.  If you cover him on your insurance then your CS should be reduced by the portion that it costs for your son.  A judge will not want your son on medicaid and will order you to cover him anyway, so you will just be proactive by doing so.  

DO NOT fax anything to the judge you will cripple your case.  I think you need to sit back and be patient for June 1 and see what happens.  Your ex can accuse you of anything she wants to, i.e., alcoholic and drug addict.  Unless she can "prove" these allegations with police reports, jail sentences, court documents, etc., she is just blowing smoke out of her a$$.  

I am still very unclear as to what this June 1 mediation is.  Is it court ordered?  If it is court ordered then your attorney can't do anything about it until June 1.  I think you need to not be so anxious and see what goes on.  You can't make court things work as fast as you want, it is on a schedule.